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The sites in the OSTG network have earned national press attention. A collection of news accolades from recent years is featured below.
September 12, 2005
Topics: News
Read more at: Ad Unit Gives Early Access to Site Content
OSTG's innovative ad products, like Slashdot DayPass, were recently covered in an in-depth article in DM News.
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Summer, 2005
Topics: Slashdot.org
Read more at: http://www.forbes.com/bow/b2c/review.jhtml?id=7827
Forbes magazine Best of the Web, Summer 2005
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March 1, 2005
Topics: SourceForge.net
Read more at: http://www.cio.com/archive/030105/opensource.html
By: Christopher Lindquist
As open-source development options proliferate, CIOs are finding ways to make it work for their organizations
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January 12, 2005
Topics: SourceForge.net
Read more at: http://business.bostonherald.com/technologyNews
By: Jay Fitzgerald
Jeff Bates, vice president of editorial operations for the Open Source Technology Group, comments on IBM announcment that it's donating 500 technology patents to open-source groups developing free software.
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October 11, 2004
Topics: Slashdot
Read more at: http://www.g4techtv.com/screensavers/
By: Coury Turczyn
G4techTV's ScreenSavers talks with Rob Malda about Slashdot.
When tech nerds want to discuss the pressing issues of the day, their first stop is Slashdot. For some, it's the only stop.
Started by Rob 'CmdrTaco' Malda way, way back in 1997, Slashdot has grown into a bustling community of argumentative, testy, and oftentimes pithy commentators. We trapped Rob in the Green Room for a Two-Minute Interview.

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Wednesday June 02, 2004 - [ 12:00 PM GMT ]
Topics: SourceForge.net
Read more at: http://www.zdnet.com.au
By: John Carroll, Special to ZDNet
"Re-inventing wheels" is an expensive proposition. In my experience, proprietary companies are obsessive about costs given that THEY are the ones paying developers. They don't tend to favor the reinvention of wheels, and tend to reward developers for finding ways to use previously-developed technology. Every developer in modern software projects has trolled the Sourceforge seas for open-source tidbits that might shave weeks or months off development time.
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Thursday May 27, 2004 - [ 01:55 PM GMT ]
Topics: News
Read more at: http://www.btobonline.com
By: BtoB Magazine
In BtoB Magazine's latest edition (May 3, 2004), OSDN was listed as one of the top 50 Business-to-Business media outlets in the country. Ranked among powerhouses such as Google, The Wall St. Journal, The New York Times, and ESPN SportsCenter, this is the first year OSDN has been listed.
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Tuesday April 27, 2004 - [ 02:34 PM GMT ]
Topics: ThinkGeek
Read more at: cbsnews.com
By: Daniel Dubno and Bob Bicknell Back to caffeine, and at this hour, I NEED it, my friends at the insane online geek-o-rama, "ThinkGeek," shamelessly push the demon mighty white keeper-upper to the grateful throngs of late night hackers and Internet surfers who really should just take a shower and go to bed. But, if you're one of the many folks who like to defy the laws of gravity (regarding sleeping in your bed), you will be astonished by the variety of "No-Dozeian" remedies "ThinkGeek.Com" is pushing. Items like:
- JOLT, the caffeine energy gum, where two pieces of gum equal one cup of coffee. Chew the whole pack of twelve pieces and you can drive straight to Vegas from, um, anywhere.
- Penguin Caffeinated Peppermints (where three mints equal one highball of Coca Cola)
- Timmy Torrid Tonic: ThinkGeek even made their own caffeinated hot sauce.
- Plus, caffeinated soap (they swear it works, caffeine soaking up through your pores) and more.
Now that this little tribute to advances in caffeine is done, and I still can't get to sleep, for obvious reasons, I'm reminded of an observation as true today as it was when they wrote it:
"Coffee leads men to trifle away their time, scald their chops, and spend their money, all for a little base, black, thick, nasty, bitter, stinking nauseous puddle water."
- The Women's Petition Against Coffee (1674)
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Tuesday April 20, 2004 - [ 03:16 PM GMT ]
Topics: Slashdot
Read more at: Forbes.com Forbes recently named Slashdot as Best of the Web in its technology news category. In its Spring 2004 rankings, Slashdot was named in both the B2B and Consumer categories as a best in class news website.
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Friday April 16, 2004 - [ 02:47 PM GMT ]>
Topics: SourceForge.net
Read more at: Fortune Innovation: Special Report
By: David Kirkpatrick The http://www.sf.net website, a meeting place for programmers, lists an astounding 86,000 programs in progress. Most are minor projects by and for geeks, but hundreds pack real value. If you need a customer-service application for a company of up to $200 million in annual sales, it's there. Free software is also popping up increasingly on PCs. If you hate shelling out $350 for Microsoft Office or $600 for Adobe Photoshop, OpenOffice.org and the Gimp are surprisingly high-quality free alternatives.
Fortune, Feb 23, 2004 v149 i4 p92
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Wednesday April 14, 2004 - [ 02:30 PM GMT ]
Topics: SourceForge.net
Read more at: computerworld.com
By: Pimm Fox
IT DOESN'T TAKE an MBA to know that you can save money paying a salary of $20,000 for IT skills in India vs. $80,000 in Indianapolis . That's why the outsourcing movement now encompasses software creation, not just support and maintenance.
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Sunday February 02, 2003 - [ 10:51 PM GMT ]
Topics: Slashdot
By: John Schwartz, New York Times
Read more at: http://www.nytimes.com
Once again, the Internet has proved to be an invaluable news source in time of disaster. But yesterday's events showed something else about the power of the Net.
Not only does it give people access to the news and to one another but it also gives them vast amounts of information and the ability to synthesize and disseminate it.
That was nowhere more clear than on the high-tech community known as Slashdot, at www.slashdot.org, where members posted more than 1,100 messages by 5 p.m. that included links to NASA pages, first-person accounts of hearing or seeing the breakup, the text of Ronald Reagan's 1986 elegy to the Challenger astronauts, arguments over the future of space travel, and the usual exchanges of insults that crop up in any online discussion.
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Thursday November 07, 2002 - [ 05:10 PM GMT ]
Topics: SourceForge.net
By: Tom Smith
Read more at: http://www.theopenenterprise.com
IBM, easily the most influential backer of open-source software, is extensively leveraging the Sourceforge.net software development site in its open-source initiatives. |
Wednesday August 28, 2002 - [ 07:28 PM GMT ]
Topics: ThinkGeek
By: Michael Precker / The Dallas Morning News
URL: www.dallasnews.com
Getting that first caffeine jolt in the morning can be so darned long and complicated.
You have to make coffee. Or you have to go out and buy coffee. Usually you even have to get dressed.
Not anymore. Hop out of bed and perk right up with Shower Shock, apparently the world's first soap loaded with caffeine, ready to shoot into your bloodstream through your skin instead of down your throat.
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