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OSTG (Open Source Technology Group), formerly Open Source Development Network (OSDN), has had its roots in the technology community since its early days as the ground-breaking tech network Andover.net. Founded in 1996 with the mission to provide unbiased content, community, and commerce for the Linux and Open Source communities, Andover.net grew in community relevance and popularity by adding the provocative community-centric sites Slashdot and freshmeat.net to its technology group, and ThinkGeek and AnimationFactory.com to its e-commerce division. After its acquisition by VA Software Corp. (NASDAQ: LNUX) in early 2000 and the introduction of SourceForge.net and Linux.com, the network
cemented its position
as the Internet's leading destination for the Linux and Open Source community. |
OSTG is the leading network of technology sites for today's IT managers and development professionals. OSTG sites provide a unique combination of news, original articles, downloadable resources, and community forums to help IT managers, development professionals, and end-users make critical decisions about information technology products and services.
OSTG's IT-focused sites, including Slashdot.org, Linux.com, NewsForge.com and ITManagersJournal.com, deliver up-to-the-minute technology news and information about best-of-breed practices, business challenges and solutions, and robust community forums for peer discussions and debate. OSTG IT sites reach the largest group of enterprise IT professionals on the Internet today.
OSTG development- and software-focused sites, including SourceForge.net, and freshmeat.net, provide a range of tools, collaborative development environments, and Open Source software to millions of developers and systems administrators worldwide. SourceForge.net hosts more Open Source development products than any other site or network worldwide. |
OSTG is the leading network of technology sites for today's forward-thinking IT managers and development professionals. ThinkGeek.com is the top retailer for the techno-enthusiast market and sells everything from fun gadgetry and computer accessories to apparel, and it is the number one online destination for caffeinated products from soap to hot sauce. Founded to meet the needs of the Open Source community, ThinkGeek appeals to the Geek in everyone.
The MediaBuilder Network, featuring AnimationFactory.com, provides a suite of image-content sites and online graphics tools for business, education, and consumer use. AnimationFactory is the largest of the MediaBuilder sites and has nearly 100,000 customers and provides content for the Web, e-mail, Microsoft® PowerPoint®, and mobile phone and instant messenger markets — all based on an original library of more than 150,000 animations. Other MediaBuilder sites include GIFWorks, PostcardMaker, and
3DTextMaker. |
In the most recent release of Nielsen//NetRatings' @plan (Winter 2004/2005), OSTG retained its top ranking across all competitive networks for delivering online buyers of computer hardware and software. OSTG moved up in the rankings for many consumer technology categories, including visitors who are heavy spenders on computer hardware, visitors who purchase MP3 players, and visitors who purchase video games.
For the eighth consecutive quarter, OSTG has been validated as the number one network for delivering visitors who look for technology news online. OSTG reaches over 18 million visitors every month and delivers nearly 270 million page views.
Audience Snapshot on OSTG
OSTG is a wholly-owned subsidiary of VA Software Corporation (NASDAQ: LNUX), www.vasoftware.com |