Tutorials and Examples
Peak Fitting using Xfit-Koalariet (Coelho and Cheary) for Win95/NT
Toggling on or off the calculated profile of each individual modelled peak
The CCP14 Homepage is at
[The reference to use for XFIT or FOURYA in any resulting publications is:
Cheary, R. W. & Coelho, A. A. (1996). Programs XFIT and FOURYA, deposited in CCP14 Powder Diffraction Library,
Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council, Daresbury Laboratory, Warrington, England.
- At anytime; in this case after Having fitted the peak, you can display the
calculated profile of each peak.
- Go into the File Details options
- Then select General Display Options, Peak Display Options
- Then select Pk Calcs (which has a value of zero - off)
and then Click on Set to Use whereby the
Pk Calcs will now have a value of 1 (one = on)
- Now when you go back to the graphics screen and do Fit, Fit Marquadt,
the calculated peak profiles will now display the profile of each individual
peak. To turn the calculated profile off for each individual peak profile; go
through the same procedure and set Pk Calcs to Set to No Use (0 - zero)