File name Case problemsNote: Many problems running Windows programs on Wine can be solved just by putting the file in the correct case (lower case usually).If using the chcase perl script for UNIX, just go to the offending directory and run the following command to get all the files (in this example) into lower case: chcase -r -d '*' (goes through subdirectories) chcase -d '*.*' (just files with the *.* format in the present working directory)
Powder CellIn many cases, the Windows Installer may have a minor to major problem. It can actually be easier to install from a pre-made zip file. In the case of Powder Cell for windows: Structure Visualisation/Manipulation, Powder Pattern Calculation and Profile Fitting by Werner Kraus and Gert Nolze, the installer might not be able to create a subdirectory to install the software into so you may have to do this manually - then things will be happy. Download the Powder Cell PCW23.EXE Install file from your closest CCP14 based mirror via the Powder Cell for Windows tutorials page Run the Powder Cell installer in Wine/Linux using the command: wine pcw23 If the installer cannot create a subdirectory as the button is missing, go into a shell and manually mkdir the directory. Then continue and the PowderCell install should go happily.
To run powdercell just type, wine pcw |
And good times via Powder Cell for Windows now running under Linux are now yours.