- This is the ultimate NMR spectrum file converter:
scan in a decent print-out of the spectrum and convert it into a
spectrum compatible to Bruker's WinNMR.
- This is a 16-bit program that runs under MS Windows 3.1, 9x, and NT 4.0
To give you an idea how it works:
Scan in the part of a publication containing the desired spectrum
(in this case from Inorg. Chem. 1996, 35, 3905).
Use your favorite drawing software to remove everything except for the
spectrum itself.
Use SpecMake to generate the real part of an NMR spectrum.
If appropriate, SpecMake applies a Hilbert transformation to generate
the imaginary part of the spectrum...
 | that one could do an inverse Fourier transformation to create an FID
out of the scanned picture (not included in SpecMake)
Changes compared to version 1.0.13 (09.05.2000)
- Some internal variables have been changed from two-byte integers to
four-byte integers, allowing manipulation of larger bitmaps
- Each time the main window of SpecMake receives the focus (for example when
switching back from the image processing software), it checks if
the file time of the displayed picture has changed and updates the display
accordingly (for bitmaps only)
- There is a menu item (and keyboard short-cut) to close the displayed bitmap
without leaving SpecMake
- After reading a bitmap, the value of SI is updated depending on the width of
the bitmap. The default value is the next higher number of points that is
a power of 2 (important for the Hilbert transformation, vide infra)
- Introduced a linewidth parameter in the conversion dialog box
- After generation of the real part of the spectrum, the imaginary part is
generated via a Hilbert transform. This transformation is done only when SI is
a power of two. Otherwise, the imaginary part is faked by copying the
real part over
Download the self-extracting setup program for
SpecMake (485 KB). To install SpecMake, transfer the package to your PC into
a directory of our choice and execute SPECM10.EXE. Follow the on-screen
If you have problems, please feel free to
contact us. Also, we would be
glad to receive other feedback, e.g. bug reports, features you are missing
but might be included in later versions, or questions. You could use, for
example, the questionnaire in the help file as a template for your reply.
If you have any of our other Windows programs, make
sure they are all of the actual release!
[ Go Home ] | last modified: 16.08.2001