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Collaborative Computational Project Number 14 (CCP14) For Single Crystal and Powder Diffraction (Freely Available Crystallographic Software for Students and Academia) |
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Note: Unless otherwise stated, all the software below is either Shareware or Commercial software (i.e, present freeware of Macdiff and CMPR Powder Suite/Portable Logic software). All these programs, unless stated, use the ICDD Database (JCPDS, ASTM of old under a new name) - http://www.icdd.com.
An up and coming alternative to the ICDD is the yet to be released Pauling file: http://www.crystalimpact.com/pauling/ | [UK CCP14 Mirror]
(NB: An opinionated, non-comprehensive and possibly misleading set of "hints" on Search-Match and Phase Identification using Powder X-ray Diffraction by Lachlan Cranswick is located at: http://www.ccp14.ac.uk/poster-talks/phase-id-1999/)
From Brian.Toby@nist.gov Tue Nov 11 00:26:49 2003 Date: Mon, 10 Nov 2003 18:33:11 -0500 Dear CMPR users, I'd like to let you know about a new release of CMPR for Windows, Unix and Macintosh OSX. This release is still in the testing stage, but I am hoping that there will not be too many problems. So, what's new? The distribution of CMPR has been combined with the ICDD search program, LOGIC. This will be of great interest to those of you who have a license for the ICDD PDF-2 database; my regrets to those who do not. When the ICDD database is installed, CMPR now has an interface to the database. LOGIC has been extensively changed to make it more portable and add new capabilities. CMPR & LOGIC now run on the Mac in OS X(!) A self-installing program has been written for Windows, which will make installation on that platform a lot easier. Depending on when you last loaded CMPR, you will probably find a few other minor new features, but on the whole not that much has changed... Please keep me posted of successes & failures, Brian web page: http://www.ncnr.nist.gov/xtal/software/cmpr/ Unix/Mac: ftp://ftp.ncnr.nist.gov/pub/cryst/powdersuite/cmpr.tar.gz Windows: ftp://ftp.ncnr.nist.gov/pub/cryst/powdersuite/cmpr+logic.exe -- ******************************************************************** Brian H. Toby, Ph.D. Leader, Crystallography Team Brian.Toby@NIST.gov NIST Center for Neutron Research, Stop 8562 voice: 301-975-4297 National Institute of Standards & Technology FAX: 301-921-9847 Gaithersburg, MD 20899-8562 ********************************************************************