Utility programs for reading and transcribing ILL-SANS NeXus/HDF5 files

Version 1.2
R. E. Ghosh, Epsom, March 2018



Treatment of Sequences of data files

runnex writes a table of selected parameters from data files
nxs2as transcribes NeXus files to 128x128 standard ILL ascii data files

Utility programs

metnxs lists datasets and parameters in data files
nx_names lists names in data files writing file nxnames.nam
h5pp, h5nopp types specific parameters, (h5pp) graphs 2D raw and "packed" data

Technical Notes libraries and compilers for Linux, Windows, Macintosh OSX
Downloads executable programs, sources


Summer 2012 saw the start of SANS measurements on D33 which only stored data as NeXus/HDF5 files. To offer some means of treating these files I wrote a set of routines to cast the data into the ascii standard. In 2014, after the restart of SANS measurements the primary data files are now all in NeXus/HDF5 format, and these have been changed progressively from earlier versions. Data and parameters are located inside thes files using path-names similar to a unix file system. These names have been changed successively. To enable the earlier SANS programs (qv report ILLGH05T, 2006-12) a number of utility programs have been added which serve to examine raw data, list current names and values, and also graph 2D data, both raw and "packed". The packing corresponds to data orientation as used in the standard ascii data 1974-2013. To enable the NeXus data to evolve these names are written into dictionary files. The programs here look first in the current directory for these indexes, then revert back to files stored with the programs in the SAS_DIR directory. Users hence can use their personal copies, or update the originals by copying and editing these files locally.
The terms NeXus and HDF5 are used here without distinction.

To assure longevity additional names can be added into the data dictionaries to account for new naming schemes.

Recommended Usage

The archive data directories have names of increasing length and complexity. Now that storage space is less constrained, users are recommended to copy the data to a local directory in their own workspace. The programs can then access the data without an additional pathname; this is a helpful since a number of programs are quite general and use filenames rather than run numbers to locate the data. Several programs check that they can write in the current directory. The instruments are identified by the environment variable SAS_INSTRUMENT. As in the past the original programs will need to have the data path of the ascii files set in the environment variable SAS_DATA_PATH. Variants of the programs exist for Linux, Macintosh OS-X and PC-Windows.
runnex selects and lists parameters from a sequence of runs.

The names of parameters to be listed are stored in files D11par.sel, D22par.sel, D33par.sel
The program first looks in the current working directory for this file; if it isn''t found it will then look in the standard program directory SAS_DIR This allows the user to create a personalised selection. Up to 12 parameters can be selected. The environment variables SAS_INSTRUMENT and SAS_DATA_PATH are used to identify the instrument and location of data which are then selected using run numbers.

% cat D33par.sel
First line is comment : created manually by cut and paste (REG) 28/11/14

% runnex
% setenv SAS_INSTRUMENT d33
% runnex
STOP SAS_DATA_PATH not defined
% setenv SAS_DATA_PATH ./ 
% runnex
 runnex - NeXus file parameter listing

 Using selection file D33par.sel

 Give first and last run numbers : 3567 3577
 Run                       integral    monsum      wavelength  detrate     detsum      det1_actual det2_actual 
   3567  "behenate    "     0.000       0.000       6.002      0.1280E+05  0.1807E+07   1.201       2.001    
   3568  "behenate    "     0.000       0.000       6.000       8157.      0.1358E+06   1.201       2.001    
   3569  "behenate    "     0.000       0.000       6.000       3991.      0.2272E+06   1.201       2.001    
   3570  "behenate    "     0.000       0.000       6.000       4519.      0.5399E+06   1.201       2.001    
   3571  "behenate    "     0.000       0.000       5.999      0.1282E+05  0.1856E+07   1.201       2.001    
   3572  "behenate    "     0.000       0.000       4.600      0.1401E+05  0.6486E+06   1.201       2.001    
   3573  "behenate    "     0.000       0.000       4.600      0.1401E+05  0.4394E+06   1.201       2.001    
   3574  "behenate    "     0.000       0.000       4.600      0.1400E+05  0.4200E+07   1.201       2.001    
   3575  "behenate Tra"     0.000       0.000       4.600       2812.      0.1687E+06   1.201       2.001    
   3576  "behenate Tra"     0.000       0.000       4.600       1336.       6681.       5.199       5.999    
   3577  "behenate Tra"     0.000       0.000       4.600       1326.      0.2229E+05   5.199       5.999    
 Closing listing file rnxs300.lis

nxs2as Transcribes SANS-Nexus files to standard ascii text files
Parameters to be transferred are located using a directory file: D11index.nxf, D22index.nxf, D33index.nxf If the appropriate file is not found in the current working directory the default copy in SAS_DIR is used.

Index File DNNindex.nxf
The format of this is as follows. Lines starting with # are comments. The parameter name pointing to the 2D data should be the last item (the original data are left in memory for re-use should they be required). ASCII Data are typically delivered as 128x128 arrays and are stored in the standard sequence of increasing row (x) value fastest. As a consequence the NeXus data are transposed. Multple definitions of parameters can be included in this file. The last name found will actually be used. To match the old and new data types a scaling multiplier can be included. If a default value is set then subsequent parameter entries for that ascii_parameter_number are ignored.

Each line has:  parameter_name ascii_parameter_number  multiplying_scalar default_value
If the ascii_parameter_number is zero the line is ignored. (hence the output file nxsnames.nam can be used as a template. The designations of the most useful parameters are shown after the example. Transcription is very fast. If an ascii file already exists it is overwritten,hence it is easy to revise the index file to obtain the desired result. Ascii parameters are listed in the sans manual ILLGH05T. Two new nexus parameters numbered 201, 202 correspond to sample displacement (in m), sdi1,sdi2 to be added to the nominal detector distance. (ASCII Parameter 26 calculated sample detector distance) on D22 included this addtional displacement from the detector position (parameter 19).)
The program can also read first and last run numbers from the command line if the environment variable SAS_NXSCMD is set to true. This enables, for example, xplotx.bat to read raw .nxs data from SAS_DATA_PATH and transcribe data files to SAS_CACHE. Normally this is not set so the program can be run in terminal mode by the prop utility
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% nxs2as nxs2as - transcribes ILL-SAS NeXus data to ASCII file Version 1.1, Ron Ghosh, Epsom, November 2014 Give directory containing nnnnnn.nxs data files : ./ Give output directory (set SAS_DATA_PATH to this!) : ./ Give first and last run numbers to treat : 3560 3570 Run 3560 transcribed Run 3561 transcribed Run 3562 transcribed Run 3563 transcribed Run 3564 transcribed Run 3565 transcribed Run 3566 transcribed Run 3567 transcribed Run 3568 transcribed Run 3569 transcribed Run 3570 transcribed Runs sought/transcribed 11 11 Example of DNNindex.nxf for instrument DNN v1.0 16/09/12 dataset_name..output_index..multiply_input..default_value output index 1-100 ascii real parameters 300-400 strings 500- detector_data Note several names can point to same output location zero output index (blank) skips input file DNNindex.nxf : # useful ASCII file parameter locations: #1 preset_1 3 time(0.1secs) 4 detector_sum #5 monitorsum 23 dvm 19 det_setting 26 s-det_m_used #29 set_temp_K30 reg_K 31 sample_K #51 beamX0 pix 52 beamY0 pix 53 wavelengthA #54 dwav/wav 55 dx_pixel_mm 56 dy_pixel_mm #15 twotheta 65 omega 64 trs #300 starttime 301 endtime #400 experiment title 401 sample description #500 detector data (reduced to 128x128 max) (should be last entry) #512 detector data untransposed (D22 2012-2013) /entry0/D33/attenuator/attenuation_value /entry0/D33/attenuator/description /entry0/D33/attenuator/position /entry0/D33/beamstop/bx_actual /entry0/D33/beamstop/bx_offset /entry0/D33/beamstop/bx_requested /entry0/D33/beamstop/by_actual /entry0/D33/beamstop/by_offset /entry0/D33/beamstop/by_requested /entry0/D33/chopper1/CH1_phase /entry0/D33/chopper1/CH1_rotation_speed /entry0/D33/chopper2/CH2_phase /entry0/D33/chopper2/CH2_rotation_speed /entry0/D33/chopper3/CH3_phase /entry0/D33/chopper3/CH3_rotation_speed /entry0/D33/chopper4/CH4_phase /entry0/D33/chopper4/CH4_rotation_speed /entry0/D33/collimation/AttTr_actual_position /entry0/D33/collimation/Coll1_actual_position /entry0/D33/collimation/Coll2_actual_position /entry0/D33/collimation/Coll3_actual_position /entry0/D33/collimation/Coll4_actual_position /entry0/D33/collimation/Dia1_actual_position /entry0/D33/collimation/Dia2_actual_position /entry0/D33/collimation/Dia3_actual_position /entry0/D33/collimation/Dia4_actual_position /entry0/D33/collimation/Dia5_actual_position /entry0/D33/collimation/PoTr_actual_position /entry0/D33/collimation/WvTr_actual_position /entry0/D33/collimation/actual_position /entry0/D33/collimation/ap_size /entry0/D33/collimation/col1_actual_state /entry0/D33/collimation/col2_actual_state /entry0/D33/collimation/col3_actual_state /entry0/D33/collimation/col4_actual_state /entry0/D33/detector/det1_actual /entry0/D33/detector/det1_calc /entry0/D33/detector/det1_offset /entry0/D33/detector/det1_requested /entry0/D33/detector/det2_actual 19 /entry0/D33/detector/det2_calc /entry0/D33/detector/det2_offset /entry0/D33/detector/det2_requested /entry0/D33/detector/detrate /entry0/D33/detector/detsum /entry0/D33/detector/pixel_size_x 55 /entry0/D33/detector/pixel_size_y 56 /entry0/D33/name /entry0/D33/selector/rotation_speed /entry0/D33/selector/selrot_actual /entry0/D33/selector/selrot_offset /entry0/D33/selector/selrot_requested /entry0/D33/selector/seltrs_actual /entry0/D33/selector/seltrs_offset /entry0/D33/selector/seltrs_requested /entry0/D33/selector/wavelength 53 /entry0/D33/selector/wavelength_res 54 /entry0/data2/data2 /entry0/data3/data3 /entry0/data4/data4 /entry0/data5/data5 /entry0/data_raw1/data_raw1 /entry0/duration 3 10 /entry0/end_time 301 /entry0/experiment_title 400 /entry0/sample_description 401 /entry0/instrument_name /entry0/mode /entry0/monitor1/data 5 /entry0/monitor1/integral /entry0/monitor1/mode /entry0/monitor1/monrate /entry0/monitor1/monsum /entry0/monitor1/nbpickup /entry0/monitor1/preset /entry0/monitor1/time_of_flight /entry0/monitor2/data /entry0/monitor2/integral /entry0/monitor2/mode /entry0/monitor2/monrate /entry0/monitor2/monsum /entry0/monitor2/preset 1 /entry0/preset /entry0/reactor_power /entry0/run_number 310 /entry0/sample/bath1_regulation_temperature /entry0/sample/bath1_setpoint_temperature /entry0/sample/bath1_temperature_requested /entry0/sample/bath2_regulation_temperature /entry0/sample/bath2_setpoint_temperature /entry0/sample/bath2_temperature_requested /entry0/sample/field_actual /entry0/sample/field_requested /entry0/sample/omega_actual 65 /entry0/sample/omega_offset /entry0/sample/omega_requested /entry0/sample/phi_actual /entry0/sample/phi_offset /entry0/sample/phi_requested /entry0/sample/regulation_temperature /entry0/sample/sample_changer_target_value /entry0/sample/sample_changer_value /entry0/sample/san_actual /entry0/sample/san_offset /entry0/sample/san_requested /entry0/sample/sdi1_actual 200 /entry0/sample/sdi1_offset /entry0/sample/sdi1_requested /entry0/sample/sdi2_actual 201 /entry0/sample/sdi2_offset /entry0/sample/sdi2_requested /entry0/sample/setpoint_temperature /entry0/sample/sht_actual /entry0/sample/sht_offset /entry0/sample/sht_requested /entry0/sample/str_actual /entry0/sample/str_offset /entry0/sample/str_requested /entry0/sample/temperature 31 /entry0/sample/trs_actual 64 /entry0/sample/trs_offset /entry0/sample/trs_requested /entry0/start_time 300 /entry0/user/name /entry0/user/namelocalcontact /entry0/user/proposal #d /entry0/data1/MultiDetector1_linear_data 500 /entry0/data1/data1 500


This program reads a NeXus file and lists the contents of the metedata, and summarises the ranks of the data arrays.

% ./metnxs
 metnxs - shows datasets in .nxs files 
 usage:  metnxs   filename.nxs

% ./metnxs 003569.nxs
 metnxs - shows datasets in .nxs files 
  HDF5/Nexus file :  003569.nxs                                                  
  There are          197  datasets present            0
   1  /entry0/D33/attenuator/attenuation_value                    F      1.0000    
   2  /entry0/D33/attenuator/description                          C  "0"
   3  /entry0/D33/attenuator/position                             I           0
   4  /entry0/D33/beamstop/bx_actual                              F      2.0100    
   5  /entry0/D33/beamstop/bx_offset                              F      0.0000    
   6  /entry0/D33/beamstop/bx_requested                           F      2.0000    
   7  /entry0/D33/beamstop/by_actual                              F      0.0000    
A full listing is given at the bottom of the page...
nx_names Reads a NeXus file and creates nxsnames.nam file. An output file nxnames.nam is created by this program with the data set names; this may be cut and pasted into the control files for parameter selection and transcription
% nx_names
 ILL-NeXus SANS dataset names 
 Give filename [034100.nxs] : 003569.nxs
 Instrument is D33
 There are          197   datasets present
  Dataset names have been written in nxsnames.nam
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h5pp, h5nopp types a parameters content; graphs 2D data (h5pp)

Note: 2D data are plotted with the fastest changing variable along the x-axis. "Packed" data in 128x128 format have been transposed from the original .nxs raw data which may be plotted with the U command. ToF data from D33 are displayed as a 5x5 matrix of 64 pixels starting with the first frame in the top left-hand corner. The minimum and maximum scales can be given for the plotting options which include linear, log, and sqrt scales.

% h5pp
 ILL-NeXus SANS reread test 
 I           index of datasets
 R  n        read dataset n
 T i1 i2     type i1,i2 elements
 P min max   lin plot of 2D
 L           log plot of 2D
 S           sqrt plot of 2D
 V n         info on dataset n
 U           2D data (no packing) map
 E           Exit

 SAS_INSTRUMENT is           

 Give filename [034100.nxs] : 003569.nxs
 SAS_INSTRUMENT default name not found
 Instrument /entry0/instrument_name is D33
 There are          197   datasets present
 Type I,R,P,S,L,V,T,U,E: i
    1  /entry0/D33/attenuator/attenuation_value
    2  /entry0/D33/attenuator/description
    3  /entry0/D33/attenuator/position
    4  /entry0/D33/beamstop/bx_actual
    5  /entry0/D33/beamstop/bx_offset
    6  /entry0/D33/beamstop/bx_requested
    7  /entry0/D33/beamstop/by_actual
  196  /entry0/user/namelocalcontact
  197  /entry0/user/proposal
 Type I,R,P,S,L,V,T,U,E: r 171
  171  /entry0/sample/sdi1_actual  type : real      
 Number of data items present, rank,dimensions,
       1,    1/      1:
 Type I,R,P,S,L,V,T,U,E: t
  first..last           1           1
 F values::    0.000000    
 Type I,R,P,S,L,V,T,U,E: r 112
  112  /entry0/experiment_title  type : characters
 Number of data items present, rank,dimensions,
      12,    1/     12:
 Type I,R,P,S,L,V,T,U,E: t 1 12
  first..last           1          12
 C values:: Internal use
 Type I,R,P,S,L,V,T,U,E: r 99
   99  /entry0/data1/MultiDetector1_linear_data  type : integer   
 Number of data items present, rank,dimensions,
   32768,    3/      1:    128:    256:
 Summed to      227203.
 Type I,R,P,S,L,V,T,U,E: p
 nxs t-2D data t   1 x  128 x  256
 IDIM           1         128         256
  D33 data pack as 5x5 mm and transpose
 after p2back osum=   227203.0    
 scales min..max..smax   0.000000       0.000000       191.0000    
 Type I,R,P,S,L,V,T,U,E: p
 nxs t-2D data t   1 x  128 x  256
 IDIM           1         128         256
  D33 data pack as 5x5 mm and transpose
 after p2back osum=   227203.0    
 scales min..max..smax   0.000000       0.000000       191.0000 
 Type I,R,P,S,L,V,T,U,E: u
 scales min..max..smax   0.000000       0.000000       102.0000 
 Type I,R,P,S,L,V,T,U,E: r 57
   57  /entry0/D33/detector/data_raw1  type : integer   
 Number of data items present, rank,dimensions,
   32768,    3/      1:    128:    256:
 Summed to      236035.
 Type I,R,P,S,L,V,T,U,E: u
 scales min..max..smax   0.000000       0.000000       136.0000    
 Type I,R,P,S,L,V,T,U,E: e
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Technical Notes

The HDF5 library used here is version 1.8.5
Linux - version 2.6.24-23, gfortran 4.2.4
Macintosh OS-X 10.9.5 gfortran 4.2.3
Windows gfortran v 4.5

The same sources have been used on Linux, Macintosh OS-X, and windows using the gfortran compilers. Non-graphical routines have been compiled static on Linux systems. To use the linux programs the gfortran library libgfortran.so.2 is placed in the directory which is set in LD_LIBRARY_PATH. At the ILL this is set in the sassetup routine to SAS_DIR. For OS-X the environment variable DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH is set to SAS_DIR for libgfortran.2.0.0.dylib. By this means the same executables can be run on a variety of system versions. The programs in the original suite for linux and windows were compiled with the g77 compiler. Transcribing the data for compatibility is the simplest method for offering continuity of usability.

If SAS_DEBUG is set to true the programs will write a fairly detailed output to the terminal screen.

HDF5 Routines used here

! h5bits.f90 is an assembly of f90 routines intended to offer a simple f77
!            inteface to the hdf library for the principal file writing
!            functions        
! typically the character string arguments are last, simplifying certain
! link requirements
! The file has three levels, opening as root, which contains groups
! within which are (optionally) further groups, containing datasets 
! As each component is opened the routine returns a "handle" identifier.
! The components are left open, since it is possible to add annotations
! (Attributes).  These are NAME,VALUE pairs with the value being real,
! integer or text; for text attributes there may be several lines of text.
! The dataset contents created here are either (multi-) dimensional arrays
! of integers or reals, or single lines of text.
! File
!      subroutine newh5(ier,id_f,fname)
!         Opens file fname; returns error ier and identifier id_f
!      subroutine endh5(ier,id_f)
!         Closes file id_f, returns error ier
!      subroutine oldh5(ier,id_f,fname,cmd
!         Opens file existing file fname returns id id_f if cmd is 'O'
!         Closes file id id_f if cmd is 'C'
! Groups
!      subroutine newgroup(ier,id_f, id_g, gname)
!         Opens group name gname in file id_f, returns error ier and 
!         group identifier id_g
!      subroutine endgroup(ier,id_g)
!         Closes group id_g
!Creating Datasets
!      subroutine newdsett(ier,id_f, id_d, text, dname)
!          Opens dataset name dname in existing placement id_f
!          plants one line of text 'text'
!          returns error ier and dataset id id_d  
!      subroutine newdsetf(ier,id_f, v, ir,idim, id_d,dname)
!          Opens dataset name dname in existing placement id_f
!          plants REAL array rank ir, dimensions in array idim(ir)
!          returns error ier and dataset id id_d  
!      subroutine newdseti(ier,id_f, ii, ir,idim,id_d, dname)
!          Opens dataset name dname in existing placement id_f
!          plants INTEGER array rank ir, dimensions in array idim(ir)
!          returns error ier and dataset id id_d  
!      subroutine enddset(ier,id_d)
!          Closes dataset id_d
! Attributes
!      subroutine newatt(ier,id_f,name,text)
!          Plants attribute name with text string  for entity id_f
!      subroutine newattn(ier,id_f,nl,name,text)
!          Plants attribute name with nl-line text string  for entity id_f
!      subroutine newatf(ier,id_f,name,fval)
!          Plants attribute name with  REAL value fval for entity id_f
!      subroutine newati(ier,id_f,name,ival)
!          Plants attribute name with  INTEGER value fval for entity id_f
!Reading Datasets
!      subroutine oldh5(ier,id_f,fname,cmd)
!       opens file fname cmd is "O" or "C" open/close
!      subroutine infods(ier,id_f,dsname,isiz,ir,idim,itype)
!        opens dsname returning size,rank,dims,type(0-C,1-I,2-F)
!      subroutine readds(ier,id_f,dsname,v,ir,idim,iitype)
!        returns contents of dsname in V
!        note idim(1) on input must be >= isiz
!      subroutine scanxs(fname,gname)
!        places names of datsets into 
!        common/scannam/dsnames*100(500)
!        common/scannml/lennam(500),nfound
! Ron Ghosh, Epsom, July-September 2012
A zip file containing executable programs for linux, Macintosh OS-X, and PC windows can be found on aids_05_15.zip

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% ./metnxs 003569.nxs
 metnxs - shows datasets in .nxs files 
  HDF5/Nexus file :  003569.nxs                                         
  There are          197  datasets present            0
   1  /entry0/D33/attenuator/attenuation_value                    F     
   2  /entry0/D33/attenuator/description                          C  "0"
   3  /entry0/D33/attenuator/position                             I     
   4  /entry0/D33/beamstop/bx_actual                              F     
   5  /entry0/D33/beamstop/bx_offset                              F     
   6  /entry0/D33/beamstop/bx_requested                           F     
   7  /entry0/D33/beamstop/by_actual                              F     
   8  /entry0/D33/beamstop/by_offset                              F     
   9  /entry0/D33/beamstop/by_requested                           F     
  10  /entry0/D33/chopper1/phase                                  F     
  11  /entry0/D33/chopper1/rotation_speed                         F     
  12  /entry0/D33/chopper1/sample_distance                        F     
  13  /entry0/D33/chopper2/phase                                  F     
  14  /entry0/D33/chopper2/rotation_speed                         F     
  15  /entry0/D33/chopper2/sample_distance                        F     
  16  /entry0/D33/chopper3/phase                                  F     
  17  /entry0/D33/chopper3/rotation_speed                         F     
  18  /entry0/D33/chopper3/sample_distance                        F     
  19  /entry0/D33/chopper4/phase                                  F     
  20  /entry0/D33/chopper4/rotation_speed                         F     
  21  /entry0/D33/chopper4/sample_distance                        F     
  22  /entry0/D33/collimation/AttTr_actual_position               F     
  23  /entry0/D33/collimation/Coll1_actual_position               F     
  24  /entry0/D33/collimation/Coll2_actual_position               F     
  25  /entry0/D33/collimation/Coll3_actual_position               F     
  26  /entry0/D33/collimation/Coll4_actual_position               F     
  27  /entry0/D33/collimation/Dia1_actual_position                F     
  28  /entry0/D33/collimation/Dia2_actual_position                F    
  29  /entry0/D33/collimation/Dia3_actual_position                F     
  30  /entry0/D33/collimation/Dia4_actual_position                F     
  31  /entry0/D33/collimation/Dia5_actual_position                F     
  32  /entry0/D33/collimation/PoTr_actual_position                F     
  33  /entry0/D33/collimation/WvTr_actual_position                F    
  34  /entry0/D33/collimation/actual_position                     F     
  35  /entry0/D33/collimation/ap_size                             I  (  
  2)        30        30
  36  /entry0/D33/collimation/col1_actual_state                   C  
  37  /entry0/D33/collimation/col2_actual_state                   C  
  38  /entry0/D33/collimation/col3_actual_state                   C  
  39  /entry0/D33/collimation/col4_actual_state                   C  
  40  /entry0/D33/detector/OxL_actual                             F     
  41  /entry0/D33/detector/OxL_offset                             F     
  42  /entry0/D33/detector/OxL_requested                          F     
  43  /entry0/D33/detector/OxR_actual                             F     
  44  /entry0/D33/detector/OxR_offset                             F     
  45  /entry0/D33/detector/OxR_requested                          F     
  46  /entry0/D33/detector/OyB_actual                             F     
  47  /entry0/D33/detector/OyB_offset                             F     
  48  /entry0/D33/detector/OyB_requested                          F     
  49  /entry0/D33/detector/OyT_actual                             F     
  50  /entry0/D33/detector/OyT_offset                             F     
  51  /entry0/D33/detector/OyT_requested                          F     
  52  /entry0/D33/detector/data1                                  I  (  
  1, 128, 256)
  53  /entry0/D33/detector/data2                                  I  (  
  1, 256,  32)
  54  /entry0/D33/detector/data3                                  I  (  
  1, 256,  32)
  55  /entry0/D33/detector/data4                                  I  (  
  1,  32, 256)
  56  /entry0/D33/detector/data5                                  I  (  
  1,  32, 256)
  57  /entry0/D33/detector/data_raw1                              I  (  
  1, 128, 256)
  58  /entry0/D33/detector/data_raw2                              I  (  
  1, 256,  32)
  59  /entry0/D33/detector/data_raw3                              I  (  
  1, 256,  32)
  60  /entry0/D33/detector/data_raw4                              I  (  
  1,  32, 256)
  61  /entry0/D33/detector/data_raw5                              I  (  
  1,  32, 256)
  62  /entry0/D33/detector/det1_actual                            F     
  63  /entry0/D33/detector/det1_calc                              F     
  64  /entry0/D33/detector/det1_offset                            F    
  65  /entry0/D33/detector/det1_panel_separation                  F     
  66  /entry0/D33/detector/det1_requested                         F     
  67  /entry0/D33/detector/det2_actual                            F     
  68  /entry0/D33/detector/det2_calc                              F     
  69  /entry0/D33/detector/det2_offset                            F     
  70  /entry0/D33/detector/det2_requested                         F     
  71  /entry0/D33/detector/detrate                                F     
  72  /entry0/D33/detector/detsum                                 F     
  73  /entry0/D33/detector/pixel_size_x                           F     
  74  /entry0/D33/detector/pixel_size_y                           F     
  75  /entry0/D33/name                                            C  
  76  /entry0/D33/selector/rotation_speed                         F     
  77  /entry0/D33/selector/selrot_actual                          F     
  78  /entry0/D33/selector/selrot_offset                          F     
  79  /entry0/D33/selector/selrot_requested                       F     
  80  /entry0/D33/selector/seltrs_actual                          F     
  81  /entry0/D33/selector/seltrs_offset                          F     
  82  /entry0/D33/selector/seltrs_requested                       F     
  83  /entry0/D33/selector/wavelength                             F     
  84  /entry0/D33/selector/wavelength_res                         F     
  85  /entry0/D33/tof/master_pair                                 I  (  
  2)         4         1
  86  /entry0/D33/tof/slave_pair                                  I  (  
  2)         3         2
  87  /entry0/D33/tof/time_of_flight                              F  (  
  3)    0.0000        50.000        0.0000    
  88  /entry0/D33/tof/tof_distance_detector1                      F     
  89  /entry0/D33/tof/tof_distance_detector2                      F     
  90  /entry0/D33/tof/tof_distance_detector3                      F     
  91  /entry0/D33/tof/tof_distance_detector4                      F     
  92  /entry0/D33/tof/tof_distance_detector5                      F     
  93  /entry0/D33/tof/tof_master_pair_separation                  F     
  94  /entry0/D33/tof/tof_wavelength_detector1                    F  (  
 50)   0.18187       0.54527       0.90866        1.2721        1.6354  
    1.9988        2.3622        2.7256        3.0890        3.4524    
    3.8158        4.1792        4.5426        4.9060        5.2694    
    5.6328        5.9962        6.3596        6.7230        7.0864    
    7.4497        7.8131        8.1765        8.5399        8.9033    
    9.2667        9.6301        9.9935        10.357        10.720    
    11.084        11.447        11.810        12.174        12.537    
    12.901        13.264        13.627        13.991        14.354    
    14.718        15.081        15.444        15.808        16.171    
    16.535        16.898        17.261        17.625        17.988    
  95  /entry0/D33/tof/tof_wavelength_detector2                    F  (  
 50)   0.22863       0.68546        1.1423        1.5991        2.0559  
    2.5128        2.9696        3.4264        3.8832        4.3401    
    4.7969        5.2537        5.7105        6.1674        6.6242    
    7.0810        7.5378        7.9947        8.4515        8.9083    
    9.3651        9.8220        10.279        10.736        11.192    
    11.649        12.106        12.563        13.020        13.477    
    13.933        14.390        14.847        15.304        15.761    
    16.217        16.674        17.131        17.588        18.045    
    18.502        18.958        19.415        19.872        20.329    
    20.786        21.243        21.699        22.156        22.613    
  96  /entry0/D33/tof/tof_wavelength_detector3                    F  (  
 50)   0.22863       0.68546        1.1423        1.5991        2.0559  
    2.5128        2.9696        3.4264        3.8832        4.3401    
    4.7969        5.2537        5.7105        6.1674        6.6242    
    7.0810        7.5378        7.9947        8.4515        8.9083    
    9.3651        9.8220        10.279        10.736        11.192    
    11.649        12.106        12.563        13.020        13.477    
    13.933        14.390        14.847        15.304        15.761    
    16.217        16.674        17.131        17.588        18.045    
    18.502        18.958        19.415        19.872        20.329    
    20.786        21.243        21.699        22.156        22.613    
  97  /entry0/D33/tof/tof_wavelength_detector4                    F  (  
 50)   0.23101       0.69260        1.1542        1.6158        2.0774  
    2.5389        3.0005        3.4621        3.9237        4.3853    
    4.8469        5.3084        5.7700        6.2316        6.6932    
    7.1548        7.6164        8.0779        8.5395        9.0011    
    9.4627        9.9243        10.386        10.847        11.309    
    11.771        12.232        12.694        13.155        13.617    
    14.079        14.540        15.002        15.463        15.925    
    16.386        16.848        17.310        17.771        18.233    
    18.694        19.156        19.618        20.079        20.541    
    21.002        21.464        21.925        22.387        22.849    
  98  /entry0/D33/tof/tof_wavelength_detector5                    F  (  
 50)   0.23101       0.69260        1.1542        1.6158        2.0774  
    2.5389        3.0005        3.4621        3.9237        4.3853    
    4.8469        5.3084        5.7700        6.2316        6.6932    
    7.1548        7.6164        8.0779        8.5395        9.0011    
    9.4627        9.9243        10.386        10.847        11.309    
    11.771        12.232        12.694        13.155        13.617    
    14.079        14.540        15.002        15.463        15.925    
    16.386        16.848        17.310        17.771        18.233    
    18.694        19.156        19.618        20.079        20.541    
    21.002        21.464        21.925        22.387        22.849    
  99  /entry0/data1/MultiDetector1_linear_data                    I  (  
  1, 128, 256)
 100  /entry0/data2/MultiDetector2_linear_data                    I  (  
  1, 256,  32)
 101  /entry0/data3/MultiDetector3_linear_data                    I  (  
  1, 256,  32)
 102  /entry0/data4/MultiDetector4_linear_data                    I  (  
  1,  32, 256)
 103  /entry0/data5/MultiDetector5_linear_data                    I  (  
  1,  32, 256)
 104  /entry0/data_raw1/MultiDetector1_data                       I  (  
  1, 128, 256)
 105  /entry0/data_raw2/MultiDetector2_data                       I  (  
  1, 256,  32)
 106  /entry0/data_raw3/MultiDetector3_data                       I  (  
  1, 256,  32)
 107  /entry0/data_raw4/MultiDetector4_data                       I  (  
  1,  32, 256)
 108  /entry0/data_raw5/MultiDetector5_data                       I  (  
  1,  32, 256)
 109  /entry0/duration                                            F     
 110  /entry0/end_time                                            C  
"29-Aug-14 15:03:36"
 111  /entry0/experiment_identifier                               C  
 112  /entry0/experiment_title                                    C  
"Internal use"
 113  /entry0/instrument_name                                     C  
 114  /entry0/mode                                                F     
 115  /entry0/monitor1/data                                       I     
 116  /entry0/monitor1/integral                                   F     
 117  /entry0/monitor1/mode                                       C  
 118  /entry0/monitor1/monrate                                    F     
 119  /entry0/monitor1/monsum                                     F     
 120  /entry0/monitor1/nbpickup                                   F     
 121  /entry0/monitor1/preset                                     F     
 122  /entry0/monitor1/time_of_flight                             F  (  
  3)    0.0000        50.000        0.0000    
 123  /entry0/monitor2/data                                       I     
 124  /entry0/monitor2/integral                                   F     
 125  /entry0/monitor2/mode                                       C  
 126  /entry0/monitor2/monrate                                    F     
 127  /entry0/monitor2/monsum                                     F     
 128  /entry0/monitor2/preset                                     F     
 129  /entry0/preset                                              F     
 130  /entry0/reactor_power                                       F     
 131  /entry0/run_number                                          I     
 132  /entry0/sample/bath1_regulation_temperature                 F     
 133  /entry0/sample/bath1_setpoint_temperature                   F     
 134  /entry0/sample/bath1_temperature_requested                  F     
 135  /entry0/sample/bath2_regulation_temperature                 F     
 136  /entry0/sample/bath2_setpoint_temperature                   F     
 137  /entry0/sample/bath2_temperature_requested                  F     
 138  /entry0/sample/chemicalFormula                              C  " "
 139  /entry0/sample/consistance                                  F     
 140  /entry0/sample/density                                      F     
 141  /entry0/sample/field_actual                                 F     
 142  /entry0/sample/field_requested                              F     
 143  /entry0/sample/mass                                         F     
 144  /entry0/sample/omega_actual                                 F     
 145  /entry0/sample/omega_offset                                 F     
 146  /entry0/sample/omega_requested                              F     
 147  /entry0/sample/phi_actual                                   F     
 148  /entry0/sample/phi_offset                                   F     
 149  /entry0/sample/phi_requested                                F     
 150  /entry0/sample/pselectromag_actual_current                  F     
 151  /entry0/sample/pselectromag_actual_voltage                  F     
 152  /entry0/sample/pselectromag_requested_current               F     
 153  /entry0/sample/pselectromag_requested_voltage               F     
 154  /entry0/sample/psflipper_field_actual_current               F     
 155  /entry0/sample/psflipper_field_actual_voltage               F     
 156  /entry0/sample/psflipper_field_requested_current            F     
 157  /entry0/sample/psflipper_field_requested_voltage            F     
 158  /entry0/sample/psflipper_rf_actual_current                  F     
 159  /entry0/sample/psflipper_rf_actual_voltage                  F     
 160  /entry0/sample/psflipper_rf_requested_current               F     
 161  /entry0/sample/psflipper_rf_requested_voltage               F     
 162  /entry0/sample/rack_temperature                             F     
 163  /entry0/sample/regulation_temperature                       F     
 164  /entry0/sample/sampleId                                     C  " "
 165  /entry0/sample/sample_changer_target_value                  F     
 166  /entry0/sample/sample_changer_value                         F     
 167  /entry0/sample/san_actual                                   F     
 168  /entry0/sample/san_offset                                   F     
 169  /entry0/sample/san_requested                                F     
 170  /entry0/sample/scatteringLengthDensity                      F     
 171  /entry0/sample/sdi1_actual                                  F     
 172  /entry0/sample/sdi1_offset                                  F     
 173  /entry0/sample/sdi1_requested                               F     
 174  /entry0/sample/sdi2_actual                                  F     
 175  /entry0/sample/sdi2_offset                                  F     
 176  /entry0/sample/sdi2_requested                               F     
 177  /entry0/sample/setpoint_temperature                         F     
 178  /entry0/sample/sht_actual                                   F     
 179  /entry0/sample/sht_offset                                   F     
 180  /entry0/sample/sht_requested                                F     
 181  /entry0/sample/size                                         F     
 182  /entry0/sample/str_actual                                   F     
 183  /entry0/sample/str_offset                                   F     
 184  /entry0/sample/str_requested                                F     
 185  /entry0/sample/surfaceArea                                  F     
 186  /entry0/sample/temperature                                  F     
 187  /entry0/sample/trs_actual                                   F     
 188  /entry0/sample/trs_offset                                   F     
 189  /entry0/sample/trs_requested                                F     
 190  /entry0/sample/typeInstall                                  C  " "
 191  /entry0/sample/unitCellClass                                C  " "
 192  /entry0/sample/volumeUnitCell                               F     
 193  /entry0/sample_description                                  C  
 194  /entry0/start_time                                          C  
"29-Aug-14 15:02:39"
 195  /entry0/user/name                                           C  
"internal use"
 196  /entry0/user/namelocalcontact                               C  " "
 197  /entry0/user/proposal                                       C  " "
 Closing listing file 003569_meta.lis                         
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