Welcome to

Hi! My name is Jih Shang Hwang.
It's my pleasure to 'meet' you on internet! Actually,
"Hwang's laboratory" currently exists only on internet.
It is a website where I made for collecting my works , practicing
homepage writing, and if possible, for making friends and sharing
research experiences and information.
I graduated in 1997 and got my
Ph.D. from National Cheng Kung University where I majored in
Physics. To get more information about me, please have a look at my resume here. Recently I am going to finished my two-year
military service. Having a burning desire in research, I think I
would look for a post-doctoral position so that I can continue my
research career in physics.
Bellow shows some lists of my
study interests, works and publications. I'll do my best to
fulfill the contents of this website as long as I have time.
Study interests
- Low temperature calorimetry:
heat capacity measurement by fitting the whole
temperature response of a heat-pulsed calormeter
- Xray indexing programming for
powder diffraction: XRAYSCAN-- an indexing program
considering dense spurious peaks in an optimization
- Study of physical properties
of rare earth alloys and compounds, including magnets,
superconductors, heavy fermions, and spin glasses... etc.
- Application programming for
automatic control and database
- Playing Koto (pronounced in
Japanese)--or called 'Chen' in Chinese, an instrument
originated from ancient China.
- Home page and active server
page programming
Works and Publications
Journal papers
- Jih Shang Hwang, "Collisions
inside computer screen--- programming billiards using
turbo pascal"(written in Chinese), E-ten magizine,
37, pp. 157-168 (march, 1991).
- C.Tien, J. S. Hwang, I. J. Jang, H. M.
Duh, C. W. Wur, K. J. Lin, and S. T. Lin, "The
magnetic ordering in (C2H5NH3)2Mn1-xCdxCl4", Chinese
Journal of Physics, 30, pp. 405-414 (1992).
- C. Tien, C. S. Wur, H. M. Duh, I. J.
Jang, J. S. Hwang, K. J. Lin, and S. T. Lin,
"Magnetic ordering in UPd2Ge2", Solid State
Communications., 89, pp. 171-174 (1994).
- H. M. Duh, I. S. Lyubutin, C. S. Wur,
K. J. Lin, J. S. Hwang, I. J. Chang, and C. Tien,
"Spin-glass-like behaviour in UPd2Ge2", Journal
of Physics: Condense Matter, 7 , pp. 2165-2169 (1995).
- H. M. Duh, I. S. Lyubutin, C. S. Wur,
K. J. Lin, J. S. Hwang, C. Tien, I. J. Chang,,
"Magnetic phase-transition in UPd2Ge2", Journal
of Magnetic and Magnetic Materials, 145, pp. 337-342
- C. Tien, C. S. Wur, I. J. Jang, K. J.
Lin, J. S. Hwang, H. M. Duh, and J. I. Yuh,
"Magnetic phases in UCu2Ge2", Physical Review
B, 51, pp. 1297-1300 (1995).
- Jih Shang Hwang and Cheng Tien,
"XRAYSCAN: an indexing program considering dense
spurious peaks in an optimization method", Chinese
Journal of Physics, 34, pp. 47-57 (1996).
- Jih Shang Hwang, J. K. Lin, and Cheng
Tien, "Antiferromagnetism and mass-enhanced behavior
in Ce2CuSi3", Solid State Communications, 100, pp.
169-172 (1996).
- C. Tien, C. S. Wur, K. J. Lin, J. S.
Hwang, E. V. Charnaya, and Yu. A. Kumzerov,
"Properties of galium in porous glass",
Physical Review B, 54, pp. 11880-11882 (1996).
- C. Tien, K. J. Lin, J. S. Hwang,
"Magnetic properties and crystal-field effects in
SmCuAl3", Solid. State. Communications, 101, pp.
155-188 (1996).
- Jih Shang Hwang, Kai Jan Lin, and
Cheng Tien, "Measurement of heat capacity by fitting
the whole temperature response of a heat-pulse
calorimeter", Review of Scientific Instruments, 68,
pp. 94-101 (1997).
- Cheng Tien, Ludwig Luo and Jih Shang
Hwang, "Mass enhancement and spin-glass behavior in
Pr2CuSi3", Physical Review B, 56, pp. 11710-11714
- C. Tien, S. W. Feng, and J. S. Hwang,
"Multiple phase transitions in CeRu2(Si1-xGex)2
", Journal of Physics: Condens. Matter, 10, pp.
10269-10282 (1998).
Conference papers
- J. S. Hwang and C. Tien,
"The effect of nonmagnetic dopants on High Tc
Superconductors", in Proceedings of 1990 National Conference on High Temperature
Superconductors, p.
237 (National Sun Yet Shen University, 25-27 Jun., 1990);
Chinese Journal of Physics(Chinese
version), 12, p. 237
- C. Tien, C. S. Wur, H. M.
Duh, I. J. Jang, J. S. Hwang, K. J. Lin, J. I. Tuh, and
S. T. Lin, "Magnetic ordering in UCu2Ge2 and
UPd2Ge2", in Proceedings of the 19th Seminar on
Science and Technology, p. 172 (Dec.,Japan, 1992).
- H. M. Duh, C. S. Wur, J. S.
Hwang, K. .J. Lin, I. .J. Chang, S. T. Lin, and C. Tien,
"The electric and magnetic properties of ternary
compounds UT2Al2 (T=Co, Ni, Cu)", in Proceedings of
8th Annual Symposium on Magnetism and Magnetic materials
(July, R.O.C., 1993).
- Jih Shang Hwang, K. J. Lin,
and C.Tien, "Measurement of heat capacity by fitting
the whole temperature response of a heat-pulse
calorimeter", in Proceedings of 1996 Annual Meeting
of the Physical Society of the Republic of China, p. 91
(National Chung Shin University, 31 Jan.-1 Feb. 1996); Chinese Journal of Physics(Chinese version), 18, p. 91 (1996).
- K. J. Lin, Jih Shang Hwang,
and C. Tien, "A Study of field-induced
antiferromagnetic behavior of intermetallic compound
SmCuAl3", in Proceedings of 1996 Annual meeting of
the Physical Society of the Republic of China, p. 92
(National Chung Shin University, 31 Jan.-1 Feb., 1996); Chinese Journal of Physics(Chinese version), 18, p. 92 (1996).
- S. W. Fong, K. J. Lin, J. S.
Hwang, R. Hsu, C. S. Wur, and C. Tien, "The
localization of 4f electron in CeRu2(Si1-xGex)2", in
Proceedings of 1996 Joint Workshop on Low Temperature
Physics and High Temperature Superconducter, p. 23
(National Chung Cheng University, 11-12,Oct,1996).
- Jih Shang Hwang, Kai Jan Lin,
Rebekah Hsu, and Cheng Tien, "Measurement of heat
capacity by fitting the whole temperature response of a
heat -pulse calorimeter: application to AlB2-type
Ce2CuSi3 compound", in Proceedings of 1996 Joint
Workshop on Low Temperature Physics and High Temperature
Superconducter, p. 24 (National Chung Cheng University,
11-12, Oct, 1996).
- Ludwig Luo, R. Hsu, C. S.
Wur, K. J. Lin, J. S. Hwang, and C. Tien, "The
effect of site-order and disorder structure on the
properties of R2CuSi3 (R=La, Ce, Pr, Nd, Sm, Gd, Tb, Dy,
Ho, Er, Tm)", in Proceedings of 1996 Joint Workshop
on Low Temperature Physics and High Temperature
Superconducter, p. 25. (National Chung Cheng University,
11-12, Oct, 1996).
- Jih Shang Hwang, Kai Jan Lin,
Rebekah Jsu, and Cheng Tien, "Possibility of direct
measurement of heat capacity without empty holder
calibration : a discussion for further improvement of the
recently developed curve-fitting method in
calorimetry", in Proceedings of 1997 Annual meeting
of the Physical Society of the Republic of China, p. 93
(National Normal University, 28-29 Jan , 1997); Chinese Journal of Physics(Chinese version), 19, p. 93 (1997).
- K. J. Lin, J. S. Hwang, and
C. Tien, "Study on the magnetisms of polycrystalline
UAu2Si2", in Proceedings of 1997 Annual meeting of
the Physical Society of the Republic of China, p. 63
(National Normal University, 28-29 Jan , 1997); Chinese Journal of Physics(Chinese version), 19, p. 63 (1997).
- XRAYSCAN indexing program
The corresponding paper can be found bellow, using word
or wordpad in a macro-free RTF format : engxray.rtf
The program XRAYSCAN can be download here--> xrayscan.zip . A
readme file is enclosed.
- "Yu Zo Chun Wang"(means: a
boat fishing on shinning sea in the evening)
This is a traditional Chinese Koto song. I played and
recorded the song at a concert held by myself in NCKU,
1991. A part of the song was modified and played
- A picture of my homemade koto with two
sparrows on the strings.
In the summer vacation of 1985, I decide to make a Koto
by myself. One day, as I had finished the Koto, I found
two newborn sparrows on the ground of a tree. I feed them
using a syringe and the sparrows grew up day after days.
Putting them on the strings of my Koto, I took this
unique picture.

still under
Last updated 1999/05/21