Animation of the Doppler shift

This animation shows the Doppler shift in the frequency of a wave, both for the case of a moving detector and for the case of a moving source.

OpenGL Version

The program recognizes the following commands. The command may be executed by either clicking the button with the mouse (first column below) or by pressing a key (second column below). The mouse buttons may be removed from the screen by pressing the M key. Press M again to restore buttons.

pauseP Stop animation. Press G to resume animation.
resumeG Resume animation.
manS Select the trumpet (source) to move.
trumpetD Select the man (detector) to move.
leftB Move the trumpet or man to the left (backward).
stop0 Stop the trumpet or man.
rightF Move the trumpet or man to the right (forward).
quitQ Quit program.

DOS Version

The animation begins with the simple case where both the detector and the source are at rest. The detector blinks red every time a wave front passes by.

The program recognizes the following commands:
DF Detector moves in the forward direction (to the right). The frequency of the blinking detector is lower.
DB Detector moves in the backward direction (to the left). The frequency of the blinking detector is higher.
SF Source moves in the forward direction (to the right). The frequency of the blinking detector is higher.
SB Source moves in the backward direction (to the left). The frequency of the blinking detector is lower.
P Pause. Animation is frozen. Press any key to resume animation.
Q Quit program.
? Help. These commands are listed.