About Exam #1

Exam #1 in Physics 106 will be given in the testing center. It will be available for two days, Monday and Tuesday, Oct 1 and 2, starting at 10:00 Monday morning (after class). The exam will cover chapters 15-18.

The exam will have two parts, Part A and Part B. These will be separate exams in the testing center. You may take either part first and at any time during the two days the exam is available. You may even take the two parts on different days.

Part A is open book and open notebook. You may bring any material you wish with you into this part of the exam. This part of the exam is timed. You are only allowed two hours for this part of the exam. If you use more than two hours, points will be deducted from your final score at a rate of one point per minute overtime. Most students finish this part of the exam in about an hour, but I recommend that you allow the full two hours for taking it.

Part A will contain problems. Many of them will be similar to those in the homework assignments. Bring your calculator and your own paper. Write your answers on the answer sheet attached to the exam. Do your work on your own sheets of paper. Write your class identification number on the answer sheet and on your work sheets. Do not write on the exam, and do not write on the cover sheet provided by the testing center. These sheets of paper will not be returned to you.

Solutions should be presented so that I can easily follow your work and understand what you did. Cross out any work which you don't want me to consider when I grade your exam. Give the correct number of significant figures in your answers. A good review on significant figures is given in Chapter 1 in the textbook.

Check that your answers are reasonable. If you give an unreasonable answer, you will lose extra points, even if the mistake was a simple math error or calculator error. If you know that an answer is unreasonable, but you can't find your mistake, indicate that on your solution. That will save you from losing extra points.

Part B is closed book and not timed. You may take as much time as you need. Most students finish this part of the exam in about an hour.

Part B will contain questions about the material we discussed in class. As with Part A, bring your own paper. Write your answers on the answer sheet attached to the exam. Do your work on your own sheets of paper. Write your class identification number on the answer sheet and on your work sheets. Do not write on the exam, and do not write on the cover sheet provided by the testing center. These sheets of paper will not be returned to you.

Part B will contain some essay questions. For each essay question, write a rough draft first on your own paper. Then write a final draft on the answer sheet, using your best handwriting. Be sure you write large enough and dark enough so that your essay can be read without effort. If your handwriting is difficult to read, you will lose points. Limit your answer to the number of words indicated for each question. If you use too many words, you will lose points. I expect you to write with correct grammar and spelling, using complete sentences in English.

All of your work should be neat and legible so that I can easily follow your work and understand what you did. Cross out any work or rough drafts which you don't want me to consider when I grade your exam.