Garlic - Precompiled Packages

garlic, precompiled packages, Debian, Mandrake, SuSE, Linux MLD, Linspire, free molecular viewer and editor, free molecular visualization program, protein structure, DNA structure, PDB, molecular rendering, biological macromolecule, unix, linux, free software download, open source software, Damir Zucic.
Precompiled garlic packages are available for a number of systems. Be sure to check the program version. It is very easy to download and compile the latest source code!
Linux distributions with precompiled garlic:
[ Debian ] [ Mandrake ] [ SuSE ] [ Linux MLD (Japanese) ] [ Linspire ]

FreeBSD port:

HPUX archives (check the program version!):
[ Canada ] [ France ] [ Germany ] [ Italy ] [ Japan ] [ Netherlands ] [ South Africa ]
[ United Kingdom ] [ USA (Utah) ]

AIX archive (check the program version!): [ The Henry Samueli School, UCLA ]