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Protein Biophysics Group - Publications

Selected recent papers:

1) Dzwolak W, Smirnovas V, Jansen R, Winter R, “Insulin Forms Amyloid in a Strain-Dependent Manner: an FT-IR Spectroscopic Study” Protein Science (in press),

2) Jansen R, Grudzielanek S, Dzwolak W, Winter R, “High Pressure Promotes Circularly Shaped Insulin Amyloid” Journal of Molecular Biology, 338 (2004), 203.

3) Dzwolak W, Ravindra R., Winter R., “Hydration and Structure—the Two Sides of the Insulin Aggregation Process” Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 6 (2004), 1938.

4) Dzwolak W, Ravindra R, Nicolini C, Jansen R, Winter R, “The Diastereomeric Assembly of Polylysine Is the Low-Volume Pathway for Preferential Formation of b-Sheet Aggregates” Journal of The American Chemical Society, 126 (2004), 3762.

5) Dzwolak W, Muraki T, Kato M, Taniguchi Y, „Chain-Length Dependence of a-Helix to b-Sheet Transition in Polylysine: Model of Protein Aggregation Studied by Temperature-Tuned FTIR Spectroscopy” Biopolymers, 73 (2004), 463.

6) Dzwolak W, Ravindra R, Lendermann J, Winter R, „Aggregation of Bovine Insulin Probed by DSC/PPC Calorimetry and FTIR Spectroscopy” Biochemistry, 42 (2003), 11347.