Currently the program is driven via an interactive menu system. Profiles are processed by the Lehman-Larsen method, and a SHELX style name.HKL file is written, together with the list file PROFIT.LST and the CIF file DREDUC.CIF. Direction cosines may be also optionally written to the file name.HKL.
In the case of CAD4 data, an overflowing bin in one of the 96 steps will cause that bin-record to be assigned a value 9999. Obviously, the intensity written in the name.HKL file will be too small, and a warning is printed. The user should then reprocess the data into another file without using the Lehman-Larsen option. The correct intensity for the aberrant reflections will then be written to the output file. A file PROFIT.OVF contains the indices of these aberrant reflections.