The labelling of the picture

LABEL atom-name1 (aru) (atom-name2 (aru) (...))/atom-type1 (aru)..

The specified atoms are added to the current list of atoms to be labelled. The program tries to find a suitable position for the label close to the atom giving minimum overlap by other plot items. The sub-keyword MOLES causes the symmetry code of the molecules to be plotted against the first atom of each molecule.

        LABEL Cu N O
        LABEL C1 C2 C3 N4 C5
        LABEL ARU
        LABEL ALL
        UNLABEL * 

The effect of successive LABEL instructions is cumulative.


These label instructions are global. The ALL sub-keyword gives labelling of all atoms and is undone with UNLABEL ALL. ON and OFF have the same effect. Atom labels may be plotted with or without (default) parentheses.

PUT atom-name/atom-type/OR/OA/OB/OC position (atom-name/atom-type/OR/OA/OB/OC position .. )

Possible position: N, NE, E, SE, S, SW, W, NW, NUCL, AUTO 

The automatic label positioning routine considers eight (or nine in the case of SOLID NUCL) possible positions for each label. These are conveniently designated by the compass directions N, NE, E, SE, S, SW, W, NW (or NU). The PUT instruction forces particular atom labels into positions chosen explicitly by the user. Atoms named here are positioned first, then the automatic routine places the rest. A position may also be given as AUTO, so that all atoms of a given type can be fixed and then specific exceptions made:
        PUT C SE C12 W C14 AUTO

PUT instructions must follow LABEL. They will be ignored if they precede it.


Labels are retraced n times.

UNLABEL (atom-names/atom-types/ALL/(UNITCELL) (ATOMS) (ARU))

This instruction may be used to unlabel. see LABEL.