The style of the picture

BOX (ON/OFF[ON]) (SHRINK shr[90]) (RATIO ratio[1.333])

By default the drawing will be surrounded with a rectangular box outline. This setting may be changed with the ON and OFF sub-keywords. The structure is drawn with a shrinkage factor of 90 percent relative to the automatic scale factor that fits the drawing within the BOX-outline to provide a margin. This default percentage may be changed with the SHRINK shr option. This option may be also of use when a drawing which a non-default scale is required. The three numbers shown in the bottom right, top left and bottom left corner of the box are the cumulative rotation angles xr, yr and zr respectively. These numbers may be used to reconstruct this particular orientation in a later session directly from the default UNIT orientation via a VIEW UNIT XR xr YR yr ZR zr instruction. The default horizontal to vertical size ratio of the box is 4/3. A ratio of 1.0 results in a square box.

        BOX RATIO 2 SHRINK 80

BWC TYPE atom-type bwc (atom-type bwc ...)

An alternative to color coding of atom types is a distinction of atom types with different patterns drawn on the spheres representing the atoms. This is useful for black-and-white hardcopy and publication drawings. The current (default) settings may be inspected with the LIST TYPES instruction. Available options for bwc are contour, net, shade, segment, dots, black, cross, parallel, globe, meridian, horizontal, vertical, mesh, diagonal, slant, textile and void.

        BWC TYPE Pd GLOBE 

COLOR black/red/green/blue

This instruction may be used to change the default colour (normally BLACK for plotters and WHITE for terminal screens) of the plot into the one chosen (subject to the availability of colour with the actual graphics facility). This colour is used for bonds, atom circumference and text.

        COLOR RED

COLOR TYPE atom-type col (atom-type col (...)

The color setting of an atom-type, as shown with a LIST TYPES instruction, may be modified with the COLOR TYPE instruction. The color code is a two-digit number, one digit for the color to be used for the odd-numbered lines and one digit for the even-numbered lines.

0 = blanc, 1 = black(white), 2 = red, 3 = green and 4 =blue.

E.g. a red oxygen atom has code 22. By default the lines are drawn horizontally. The general color format is nnmmeo with e and o the colour numbers for the even and odd lines respectively, mm the clockwise rotation angle for the odd lines and nn the anti-clockwise rotation angle for the even lines relative to the odd lines: e.g. 904522.
        COLOR TYPE C 01 O 22 

CPK (SHADE (a1 a2 (d))/COLOR (a1 a2 (d))/NET (nh nv)/CONTOUR/

This sets parameters for a space-filling model (Corey-Pauling-Koltum) with atomic radii that are taken by default from internal tables and optionally with RADII ATOMS instructions. The surface may be either globally Shaded, Coloured, Dotted, drawn with Contours, segments, a Net structure etc. or with a pattern dependent on the atom type (BWCOL). The keyword SHADE causes the drawing of shade lines representing shadow from a light source whose position is given by the two angles a1 and a2. The setting of both angles to zero models a light source coming directly towards the viewer along the ZP axis, so that the whole atom is shaded. The angles a1 and a2 are rotations of the light source about YP and ZP respectively and in that order, and d is the spacing in cm between shading lines. Default settings are 120, -45, 0.15.

The atoms may be coloured as a function of their atom type. This feature is implemented as the SHADE option with a1=a2=0 and d = 0.05 in the absence of other sub-keywords with the COLOR sub-keyword. The NET sub-keyword produces a NET with two sets of perpendicular great-circles drawn on the surface (colored in combination with the COLOR sub-keyword). the number of horizontal and vertical circles may be modified with nh and nv. The GLOBE sub-keyword produces a polar grid surface, combined with shading. The CONTOUR sub-keyword produces a set of parallel circles on the surface. The BWCOL sub-keyword may be used to differentiate between atom types in a black-and-white plot. The SPOT sub-keyword asks for a light reflexion spot on the surface. The STICK keyword produces a CPK plot combined with a STICK frame to show the chemistry of the molecule.


Note: CPK COLOUR DOTS will generate white dots on the colored atomic spheres.


A single perspective drawing is to be produced as seen from a point at d cm. along the ZP axis, above the centre of the drawing. The default setting is 10000 cm. (effectively infinity) but may be set to 60 cm. for convenient perspective viewing. The actual value is plotted in the top right corner of the plot (zero for infinite perspective) to avoid confusion.

OVERLAP (MARGIN mrg[0.10]) (SHADOW shad[0.10])(ON/OFF)/BA/BB[ON]

The overlap margin (non-bonded bond-bond, atom-atom, atom-bond overlap) is set by default to the value mrg = 0.1 cm and the incoming bond shadow margin to shad = 0 cm. Overlap calculations (by default) may be turned off for fast test runs. This should be specified before plotting and after the specification of the plot-style.



This globally sets the atomic radii (Angstrom) for the plotting of the spheres in the SOLID, ROD and CPK style. The appropriate instruction is normally executed automatically. In the SOLID and ROD mode spheres are drawn at 0.5 times their covalent radius and in the CPK mode at the covalent radius + 0.8.

RADII ATOMS atom-type1 r1 (atom-type2 r2 (...) )

This instruction may be used to input user defined radii for the spheres to be drawn. The actual values may be listed with a LIST TYPES instruction.


Bonds in SOLID or ROD drawings have cylindrical radius r Angstrom (default 0.04 and 0.2 resp.) and are drawn with n (default n = 8) lines along the circumference of the cylinder, spaces (180/(n+1)) degrees apart on the visible side of the cylinder. This instruction resets r and n for all bonds.

RADII BONDS (DASH) TO atom-name/atom-type r n

This sets r and n for all bonds to a particular atom or atom type. This may be useful to emphasize coordination of a particular atom. To produce single-line bonds, set r - 0 and n = 1. Bonds with n = 0 are omitted.

RADII BONDS (DASH) atom-name1 atom-name2 r n

This sets r and n for a particular bond already in the connection list.


This sets r and n for all intermolecular bonds created by a JOIN RADII INTER instruction. This is useful, for example, in distinguishing hydrogen bonds. RADII BONDS ALL not only resets r and n for all bonds, but also cancels all other RADII BONDS instructions which have already been given, i.e. 'all' really means all. To reset r and n for all bonds EXCEPT special ones, use this instruction instead. When the program is drawing the bonds, it looks though the list of the RADII BONDS instructions and assigns the r and n values of the last instruction given which is relevant to the bond being drawn. In this way the result of conflicting instructions can be controlled by the order in which the data card are given. An example of such a list of instructions:

     RADII BONDS ALL 0.05 5
     RADII BONDS TO NA 0.03 2
     RADII BONDS CU1 O4 0.06 10

Note, however, that if a particular RADII BONDS instruction is given a second time with different values of r and n, this resets r and n without altering the order of the RADII BONDS instructions. E.g., the sequence
     RADII BONDS TO H 0.02 4
     RADII BONDS TO H 0.03 7
 is equivalent to
     RADII BONDS TO H 0.03 7

i.e. the second RADII BONDS TO H instruction directly replaces the first.


In order to enhance the perspective effect of drawings (see MONO and STEREO options), bonds are drawn with an exaggerated taper, the degree of exaggeration being set by the parameter t. t = 1 gives maximum exaggeration. The default setting is 0.375. Tapering is applied even if the viewing distance is effectively infinite, unless t = 0.


This prepares for a ROD-style plot with atoms optionally shaded, coloured, drawn with a net or contoured surface or individually characterized (see CPK for further information).

SIZE sz (SCALE sc) (CHAR ch) (TITLE ti)

The default character size (ch = 0.4 cm) may be changed with a SIZE 0 CHAR ch instruction. Similarly, the default character size of the title (ti = 0.5 cm) may be changed with the TITLE sub-keyword: SIZE 0 TITL ti. The other option are not effective as yet.

SOLID (NUCL/SHADE (a1 a2 (d))/COLOR (a1 a2 (d))/NET (nh nv)/

This gives a PLUTO-type bond and stick plot. See the CPK instruction for other keywords.


This produces a stereo pair, as seen by an observer with eye-separation of 6 cm. at a distance d ( default 60) cm along the ZP axis. If the keywords RG or GR are present, the left-eye and right-eye views are superimposed instead of being placed side-by-side, but are drawn in different colors, so that the stereo effect can be observed using appropriate red/green or green/red filters. The sub-keyword CROSSED allows for crossed eye vision.


This asks for a stick model drawing, i.e. one in which the atoms are points and the bonds single lines. A succession of such drawings requires very little computing and plotting time, and is useful as a preliminary run for checkout and to find a good view direction. Note: since atoms are represented by points in this presentation, as are bonds when viewed along their direction, non-bonded atoms and some linear molecules viewed from the end are not shown in STICK plots.

TITL text

The title of the plot is normally taken from the TITL card that preceded the coordinate data. It can be overruled with a new TITL instruction.

UNITCELL (OFF/ON) (rbo nli)

This allows a unit cell outline to be drawn. The outlines are treated as bonds. Their default setting is: rbo = 0.01 and nli = 2