Summary of the instructions for PLUTON

The order and number of content, style and viewpoint instructions is completely flexible, except for that all desired parameter values must be set before the next PLOT instruction. An interactive graphics session will consist of a repeated cycle of qualifier and PLOT instructions. The END line is the last instruction and may be used to finish the plot session in an orderly fashion (see also STOP and QUIT).

By using the default settings associated with the choosen plot style (e.g. ROD) only a few of the available instruction types are absolutely required to produce a preliminary drawing of a structure. The absolute minimum input is a PLOT instruction and END to stop the program. In the description of individual instructions below the following applies:

- (Sub)keywords are in uppercase and user data in lower case.
- Data in parentheses are optional.
- Choices are separated by a slash.
- Values in [ ] are default settings 

Note: parentheses in atom names (on input) are ignored except for that Ag denotes the atom type and Ag() the individual atom.