CAMEL JOCKEY absorption correction

4.22 - CAMEL JOCKEY absorption correction

This program, written by Howard Flack. requires an extensive set of psi-scan data, preferably including all SET4 equivalents for each reflection. Without all these equivalents the program will run, but will probably not give a useful correction. It is also unlikely to be of any use for triclinic, monoclinic (and probably orthorhombic) crystal systems. It has not been tested very extensively, but should theoretically be more effective for very strong absorbers, for which the assumptions inherent in the PSI_SCAN method are no longer applicable.

Full documentation is available in the MS Word6 document CAMEL.DOC (directory C:\WINGX\DOCS). The program has effectively been superceded by the Blessing algorithm implemented in SORTAV and MULTISCAN.

Files read
  1. name.INS (for unit cell information only).
  2. name.PSI (or PSI.DAT) - CAD4 diffractometer file containing psi-scans.
  3. CAMELIN.HKL - File of reflection data with setting angles. This is written by the program XCAD4 using the option Write CAMEL file.

Files written
  1. CAMEL.HKL - absorption corrected reflection file
  2. CAMEL.INS - Psi-scans in input format for CAMEL
  3. CAMEL.LST - List file giving summary of the applied corrections