Extracting structure factors
        Click the 'Ihklm' button  after indices have been assigned to three non-colinear reflections. The automatic indexing will start and reciprocal lattice parameters will be refined. VEC also extracts diffraction intensities and calculate phases from the left sub window. The result will be shown in a new sub window (on the right). This window corresponds to a text file containing information of cell parameters, structure-factor amplitudes and phases (see *.IAV file).


Setting resolution limit

        The resolution limit of the extracted structure factors can be set any where within the original limit. Click the button  and then drag the green ring (see the left sub window below) and set it at the desired position. The resolution limit in Angstroms corresponding to the position of the ring is displayed on the status bar at the bottom of the VEC window. After releasing the mouse button the imgae on the left sub window will become that on the right and the operation is completed. The data file in disk dose not change automatically, so you would need to save the window.


        Notice that the above operation does not delete reflections in the corresponding data file, it just make a mark 'B' next to the last index of each unwanted reflection (see below). Whenever you wish to retrieve the original resolution limit, open the file in text mode by using the button , replace each mark with a space, then save the file.