The syntax is BUFOP [buffer type & number range] [list of operations]
Example: BUFOP I1-3 TH=5,TER=1
Operations permitted in the BUFOP command can be viewed in the Appendix. Any other commands will cause an error. If ICP discovers an error in any of the operations in a given BUFOP command, none of the changes in the bufop command will be made. Note: DRS will not check the syntax of the BUFOP command other than to verify that the type buffer is provided.
f >
0 issue count with monitor preset to f. (prefactor
f <
0 issue count with time for f seconds.
COL[LIM=] c1,c2,c3,c4: COL lets you describe up to four collimations; c2-c4 are for informational purposes only. The collimation data are stored in the data file.
The first value (c1) is the ``in pile'' collimation, selected by the
shutter switch - either or
(yes, the
shutter lights say
is correct!)
Use COL = 15 or COL = 7 to change the ``in pile'' value only.
NOTE: It is important that the ``in pile'' value be correct, since the wavelength stored in the data file will depend on this setting.
The second number (c2) is the post-monochromator collimation
[ for
Ge(311) and Cu(311) and
for Si(531)].
The third number (c3) is the post-sample collimations, always .
The fourth number (c4) is not relevant to BT-1, we usually specify 0.
To examine previously given collimation data type PC or PCOL.
Dn[=]f : Drive angle n to target angle f. f is the absolute position you want the motor to drive to. Superuser status is required to drive motors other than 3 or 4.
DnH[=]f : Drive angle n to hardware angle f.
DnI[=]f : Drive angle n to target angle (A(n) + f). f is the increment you want the motor to drive.
DnT[=]f : Drive angle n to target angle f and angle (n-1) to A(n-1)
+ (f - A(n))/2 ==>
n : (n-1) == 2 : 1
This command results in a 2:1 drive. For example, if the current
position of angles 3 and 4 are 20 and 60, respectively, the command
will drive angle 4 to 80 and angle 3 to 30.
: Checks
run sequence command file syntax
: opens new or existing
file in EDT full screen editor.
Multiple commands on the same line should be separated by a semicolon.
Lines starting with an exclamation point (!) are ignored.
Use Ctrl-z and "EXIT" to leave editor and return to Control Mode.
To release a fixed angle type RELn (n= motor number or S, etc.)
FPD d, n, p2, p3, p4 : Find a peak in the given range.
d = detector number
n = angle number to scan.
p2 = range of scan in degrees, scan center is always the current position.
p3 = step size in degrees.
p4 = count time in seconds; use p4 <
1 to count with time.
FPD will scan the given range around the current position for a peak. If a peak is found, a fit can be done, and the scanning motor will drive to the peak position. After the scan, if no peak is found, the motor will return to the initial position.
Example: FPD 1, 4, 1, 0.1, -1 will scan the 2 angle
(motor 4) around the present position,
in steps of 1/10 of a degree, counting 1 sec/pt.
The calling parameters beginning with range are optional in
all cases. The defaults taken are: range = 1.0, setpsize = 0.1,
monitor = . Thus fpd 1,4 is equivalent to the example given.
The fpd command can be followed with the option:
The FPD command can only handle up to 100 points in the scan range.
Type HELP for the complete command list or type
help on a particular command.
HOLD[=] n : Put the system into a hold for n minutes. Can be aborted by pressing Control-A. After the hold the next command in a run sequence or run file will be processed and executed.
HOME n +/- sends motor n home in a positive or negative direction. Use home 12 - to send the beam mask home.
Superuser status is required.
howlong i1-3,5,7 estimates the execution time of these buffers
howlong/rs extimates the execution time of a run sequence
howlong/f <>
estimates the execution
time of the run sequence
At present, only R (run buffer) commands and HOLD commands are considered as taking any time in run sequence command files.
The command MRAT/S must be executed on the instrument before the HOWLONG command can be used. MRAT/S stores information needed by HOWLONG. Hold times and wait times specified in the buffers are also included in the time estimates as appropriate.
The outputs from the howlong and howlong/f commands are slightly different. The howlong output gives the execution time of each buffer as well as a running total. The howlong/f command gives the execution time of each command in the file as well as a total execution time for the entire file at the end. A time range is shown when temperature waits could make a difference. T+, H+, or P+ appear on each line where they are assumed to be in effect by howlong.
A ``/p'' option has been built into the howlong/f command which will allow one to get a time estimate for only the unexecuted portion of a command file.
INITn[=] f Initialize the current position of motor no. n to angle value f. (n integer, f real)
Ln[=] f : Set lower limit of angle n to value f. (n integer, f real) The appropriate lower limit for motor 4 is set when the monochromator is selected using the MONO= command.
Sets W to W+ and causes screen output to be written to a .log file. The filename is formed by the date. (Data that are already stored in a file when a buffer or find-peak is executed are not included in the log file.)
MONO= p1 where p1 is one of the following allowed strings: Cu311, Ge311, or Si531
MRAT[= [f]]: Determine monitor rate with a time count for f seconds. f defaults to 5 seconds.
The command MRAT/S (s is for save) in ICP will function differently whether it is entered from the privileged (or instrument control) terminal or from anywhere else. When entered from the instrument control terminal, mrat/s causes the current monitor reading to be saved in memory as well as in a file. A request is made for the user to supply a constant overhead per point, where the default value should be fairly accurate. All of this information not only becomes the working numbers used in any succeeding howlong calculations, but is stored in a file and read back in whenever ICP is started on that instrument (from any terminal). This means that the latest mrat/s findings will be available to anyone logging in to that instrument from anywhere. The file contents, however, can only be changed as the result of an mrat/s command being entered at the instrument control terminal. mrat without the /s switch just counts the monitor as usual, and does not update the stored values.
If someone enters mrat/s from any terminal other than the instrument control terminal, they will be given the option of using these values as last stored, or typing in temporary local values to be used in their own howlong calculations.
NEWMONO = p1 where p1 is Cu311, Ge311, or Si531
Prints the software and hardware values of all angles served by the instrument.
Prints hardware angles for all motors served by instrument. The values given here should correspond to the controller display.
PIn-m: Print increment buffers n to m.
See description of RS for a discussion of how to define and execute a sequence.
prints the file
Print software value of all angles served by instrument.
RIn[-m]: Execute increment buffer n [to m]. RI/NFn[-m]: No File Option for RI command. No data files created.
RS= ``command'';``command'' : Defines a command sequence. These commands are ``stored'' in a file. Another way of defining this sequence is to go into prepare mode and select option F19 (define sequence). Be Careful: The commands you enter here are not checked for validity!!
RS : Executes all commands in your command sequence
Executes all commands in the file
SET n[=] f: Change the zero-point in such a way that the current position equals to f. (n integer, f real) f is usually a calculated angle. Please do not use this command at BT-1; use the INI command instead.
0 to indicate autotune gain only
set each param to <
0 to autotune that param
Gain= 90; Rate= 40; Reset= 20; Power Range= 5;
Gain= 40; Rate= 20; Reset= 10; Power Range= 3
ST[=]f : Set the temperature setpoint to f.
ST[=] f,error, wait: Use only when "careful approach" option selected. Defaults for error and wait are 10
The TDEV command will call up a menu of recognized temp controllers. The controller currently connected to the instrument should be chosen from this list. It will be initialized by TDEV and available within control mode and executing buffers for changing and monitoring temperature. TDEV must be executed at least once whenever a controller is connected to the instrument. If ICP is exited for any reason, TDEV must be reexecuted. Temperature cannot be monitored or set until TDEV has been executed.
Un[=] f : Set upper limit of angle n to value f. (n integer, f real) The appropriate upper limit for motor 4 is set when the monochromator is selected using the MONO= command.
Ver= n
Zn= f : Set zero-point of angle n to value f. (n integer, f real) Please do not use this command at BT-1; use the INI command instead.