t-AlF3   P4/nmm                                                    
   0   5   1   0   7   0   1   1   0   0   1   0   0   0   0   0   0
   0   0   1   0   1   0   0   0   1   1   0   1   0   0   2   0   0
 1.540560 1.544390  0.5000 90.0000 20.0000  0.7995  0.0000   90.00    0.0000
  4 0.01 0.60 0.60 0.80 0.60      9.7000     0.0200   145.0000   0.000   0.000
    1.00   11.20
   15.56   16.26
   19.50   20.46
   24.80   25.70
   41.80   43.18
   57.50   58.78
  145.00  170.00
      44    !Number of refined parameters
 -0.0716   11.00  0.0000    0.00  0.0000    0.00 0.000000    0.00   0
  517.85     -824.50      1288.5      5026.4     -2228.4     -7384.6    
      21.000      31.000      41.000      51.000      61.000      71.000
  11   0   0 0.0 0.0 1.0   0   0   0   0   0        0.00   0   5   0
P 4/N M M                <-- Space group symbol
AL1  AL+3    0.00000  0.00000  0.00000  1.32901  0.25000   0   0   0
                0.00     0.00     0.00   121.00     0.00
AL2  AL+3    0.25000  0.91302  0.32911  1.52389  0.50000   0   0   0
                0.00   131.00   141.00   151.00     0.00
AL3  AL+3    0.25000  0.25000  0.41243  1.28035  0.12500   0   0   0
                0.00     0.00   161.00   171.00     0.00
AL4  AL+3    0.25000  0.25000  0.90822  0.80932  0.12500   0   0   0
                0.00     0.00   181.00   191.00     0.00
F1   F-1     0.62136  0.05224  0.83958  1.38376  1.00000   0   0   0
              201.00   211.00   221.00   231.00     0.00
F2   F-1     0.25000  0.07661  0.41023  1.97025  0.50000   0   0   0
                0.00   241.00   251.00   261.00     0.00
F3   F-1     0.12076  0.12076  0.90941  1.36307  0.50000   0   0   0
              271.00   271.00   281.00   291.00     0.00
F4   F-1     0.12677 -0.12677  0.50000  1.48726  0.50000   0   0   0
              301.00  -301.00     0.00   311.00     0.00
F5   F-1     0.75000  0.25000  0.24398  1.55892  0.25000   0   0   0
                0.00     0.00   321.00   331.00     0.00
F6   F-1     0.25000  0.25000  0.66452  1.75834  0.12500   0   0   0
                0.00     0.00   341.00   351.00     0.00
F7   F-1     0.25000  0.25000  0.15992  1.36630  0.12500   0   0   0
                0.00     0.00   361.00   371.00     0.00
 0.63460E-02  0.5321  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000   0   Scale ETA Bov Strain
    81.00000   91.00    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00
 0.02028-0.03065 0.04167  0.0012  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000   0  U V W X Y Siz12
  401.00  391.00  381.00  431.00    0.00    0.00    0.00
  10.181854  10.181854   7.171205  90.000000  90.000000  90.000000 Cell params
  101.00000  101.00000  111.00000    0.00000    0.00000    0.00000
 0.93588 0.00000 0.08667 0.06896 0.00000 0.00000    O1 O2 A-symtry Params
  441.00    0.00  411.00  421.00    0.00    0.00
        *** PROGRAM FULLPROF (Version 3.2  - Jan97-LLB JRC) ***
           Rietveld, Profile Matching & Integrated Intensity
                Refinement of X-ray and/or Neutron Data

    Date: 06/26/97  Time: 16:19:15.61   

 => PCR file code: talf3
 => DAT file code: talf3
 => Title:   t-AlF3   P4/nmm                                                    


 => Global Refinement of X-ray powder diffraction data                          
    Bragg-Brentano or Debye-Scherrer geometry
 => The    5th default profile function was selected
 => Data supplied in free format 
 => Wavelengths:  1.54056 1.54439
 => Base of peaks: 2.0*HW*   20.00
 => Cos(Monochromator angle)=   0.7995
 => Absorption correction (muR-eff):   0.0000
 ==> Angular range, step and number of points:
     2Thmin:   9.7000  2Thmax: 145.0000  Step:   0.0200  No. of points:   6766
 => Crystal Structure Refinement for phase: 1
 => Scor: 4.4135


 => No. of fitted parameters:   44

 => Phase No.  1    t-AlF3                               P 4/N M M           

 =>  No. of reflections:    894


  Name    x     sx       y     sy       z      sz      B   sB  occ.  socc.

 AL1   0.00000(   0)  0.00000(   0)  0.00000(   0)  1.331( 52)  0.250(  0)
 AL2   0.25000(   0)  0.91301(  20)  0.32911(  29)  1.518( 38)  0.500(  0)
 AL3   0.25000(   0)  0.25000(   0)  0.41244(  50)  1.282( 78)  0.125(  0)
 AL4   0.25000(   0)  0.25000(   0)  0.90821(  45)  0.817( 71)  0.125(  0)
 F1    0.62137(  18)  0.05225(  18)  0.83957(  29)  1.381( 46)  1.000(  0)
 F2    0.25000(   0)  0.07659(  36)  0.41025(  44)  1.973( 80)  0.500(  0)
 F3    0.12075(  18)  0.12075(  18)  0.90943(  34)  1.358( 66)  0.500(  0)
 F4    0.12676(  20) -0.12676(  20)  0.50000(   0)  1.489( 76)  0.500(  0)
 F5    0.75000(   0)  0.25000(   0)  0.24406(  77)  1.549(114)  0.250(  0)
 F6    0.25000(   0)  0.25000(   0)  0.66449(  84)  1.757(133)  0.125(  0)
 F7    0.25000(   0)  0.25000(   0)  0.15990(  79)  1.363(123)  0.125(  0)


 => Cell parameters      :
                             10.18190   0.00014
                             10.18190   0.00014
                              7.17129   0.00012
                             90.00000   0.00000
                             90.00000   0.00000
                             90.00000   0.00000
 => Overall scale factor :    0.006344715   0.000018291
 => ETA(p-V) or M(P-VII) :    0.53241   0.01211
 => Overall Tem. factor  :    0.00000   0.00000
 => Halfwidth parameters :    0.02008   0.00132
                             -0.03032   0.00210
                              0.04155   0.00061
 => Preferred orientation:    0.93550   0.00221
                              0.00000   0.00000
 => Asymmetry parameters :    0.08706   0.00264
                              0.06888   0.00064
                              0.00000   0.00000
                              0.00000   0.00000
 => X and Y parameters   :    0.00126   0.00033
                              0.00000   0.00000
 => Strain parameters    :    0.00000   0.00000
                              0.00000   0.00000
                              0.00000   0.00000
 => Size   parameters    :    0.00000   0.00000
                              0.00000   0.00000


 => Zero-point:  -0.0712  0.0010
 => Background Polynomial Parameters ==>
                              517.478     4.13062    
                             -822.237     18.0344    
                              1283.29     54.5744    
                              5025.03     122.297    
                             -2217.41     159.663    
                             -7375.43     230.624    
 => Cos( theta)-shift parameter :   0.0000  0.0000
 => Sin(2theta)-shift parameter :   0.0000  0.0000


 => Cycle:  4 => MaxCycle:  4
 => N-P+C:  6379
 => Rp: 6.51     Rwp: 9.69     Rexp:    2.18 Chi2:  19.8      L.S. refinement
 => Conventional Rietveld R-factors ==>
 => Rp: 9.44     Rwp: 12.9     Rexp:    2.89 Chi2:  19.8    
 => Deviance: 0.127E+06     Dev*  :  19.91    
 => DW-Stat.:    0.1518     DW-exp:     1.9364
 => N-sigma of the GoF: 1063.614


 => N-P+C:  6379
 => Rp: 6.51     Rwp: 9.69     Rexp:    2.18 Chi2:  19.8      L.S. refinement
 => Conventional Rietveld R-factors ==>
 => Rp: 9.44     Rwp: 12.9     Rexp:    2.89 Chi2:  19.8    
 => Deviance: 0.127E+06     Dev*  :  19.91    
 => DW-Stat.:    0.1518     DW-exp:     1.9364
 => N-sigma of the GoF:     1063.614
 => Phase:  1
 => Bragg R-factor:  4.06       Vol:     743.455   Fract(%):     0.00
 => Rf-factor= 3.60             ATZ:       0.000   Brindley:   1.0000