This archive contains a collection of IDE files created with and for wxwin 1.62e and Borland C++ version 4.5. I didn't try them with BC 4.x but think that both versions use the same project file format. Most people seem to be happy using the makefiles provided with the wx distribution, i don't really understand why, i used wx to learn both C++ and GUI programming and i think for that purpose the IDE with it's possibility to jump from error to error in the source is far superior to the command line compiler. Anyway, i created these files because i like the IDE and i hope they are useful for other people as well. I decided to create only one library file instead of the collection of libraries created by the makefiles. And i decided to copy all which are not in either .\include\base and .\include\msw t .\include\extra. The reasons for that are simple, first, the required include path would be too long for the BCC IDE otherwise, second, it's much easier to change the directories if wx and/or BCC is installed in a different location than on my machine and third, i never knew exactly anyway, which libraries to include. The installation is simple, if the zip files was uncompressed with pkzip -d, all zip files should be in the correct places. Additionally, there is a bat file, "copy_inc.bat", which creates the directory .\include\extra and copies all required files to this directory. Execute this batch file, enter the IDE, open .\src\msw\wx.ide and make the library. If wx is installed in a different directory than c:\wxwin or if BCC is not in c:\bc45, open "Options, Project, Directories", and change the "Include", "Library" and "Final" field. Since there are only 4 include and 2 lib directories, this takes less than a minute. The same changes are necessary for the IDE files for the executables, for your own programs, just copy one of the project files, rename it and add your own source files. I didn't add src\msw\wx_db to the main library because I don't have the required headers. An alternative would be to set USE_ODBC to 0 in "include\base\wx_setup.h" but i guess, this will the the default anyway in the next version. It's as easy to add the source file as it is to change the setup. Some (two or three) of the examples, for example memcheck or vlist, will not work because the library has to be compiled with special options, i didn't try that, the project files are there, define DEBUG=1 (or whatever else is necessary) and recompile the library and the executable. I tried to compile the library for WIN32, in theory it should only be necessary to change the target. It didn't compile because of problems in the sources, other people supplied patches but i didn't try them, i don't see many reasons in most cases to use WIN32, it compiles much slower and most applications don't need it (i guess, maybe it makes it easier to write portable applications). I didn't find out how to use .cc as one of the default extension for adding or opening files, maybe somebody can tell me, also tell me if one or more of the project files don't work. I'll try to keep this collection in sync with coming wxwin versions and hope it's useful for a few people. Gerhard Vogt European Molecular Biology Lab Meyerhofstrasse 1 69126 Heidelberg Germany VOGT@EMBL-Heidelberg.DE