Installing wxWindows 2.3.3 -------------------------- This is wxWindows 2.3.3 for IBM OS/2 Warp3 and Warp4. This is an unstable development release and OS/2 is considered to be in beta. IMPORTANT NOTE: If you experience problems installing, please re-read this instructions and other related files (changes.txt, readme.txt, notes on the Web site) carefully before mailing wx-users or the author. Preferably, try to fix the problem first and then send a patch to the author. Please report bugs using the bug report form on the wxWindows web site. Unarchiving ----------- At this time there is no comprehensive setup.exe type installation program. wxWindows for OS/2 requires you download various .zip files and unpack them to your desired location on your system. Pick a location say, C:\wx\wxwindows, copy the .zip files to there and unzip them ensuring you unzip the subdirectories as well. You will need: - All common, generic and OS2-specific wxWindows source; - samples; - documentation in HTML Help format; - makefiles for VisualAge V3.0 (possibly for EMX and Watcom C++); - HTML library source; - JPEG library source; - TIFF library source; - PNG library source; - ZLIB library source; Other add-on packages are available from the wxWindows Web site, such as: - Audio, CD, video access for Windows and Linux. - Object Graphics Library: build network diagrams, CASE tools etc. - Tex2RTF: create Windows Help, HTML, and Word RTF files from the same document source. General installation notes -------------------------- After unzipping everything your directory tree should look something like this: x:\wx\wxwindows\docs (your HTML reference manual) x:\wx\wxwindows\include\wx x:\wx\wxwindows\include\wx\generic x:\wx\wxwindows\include\wx\html x:\wx\wxwindows\include\wx\os2 x:\wx\wxwindows\samples\.... (all the sample directories) x:\wx\wxwindows\src x:\wx\wxwindows\src\common x:\wx\wxwindows\src\generic x:\wx\wxwindows\src\html x:\wx\wxwindows\src\jpeg x:\wx\wxwindows\src\os2 x:\wx\wxwindows\src\png x:\wx\wxwindows\src\tiff x:\wx\wxwindows\src\zlib You will need to ensure you have a \lib directory as well, x:\wx\wxwindows\lib. Set a WXWIN environment variable in your config.sys, SET WXWIN=X:\WX\WXWINDOWS; Compilation ----------- For now, only VisualAge V3.0 FP 8 is supported. However, the library has been successfully compiled with EMX and Watcom C++. As those build environments get a bit more "formalized", I will add them here. In addition to VisualAge V3.0 Fixpack 8 you will need the following inorder to successfully build and use wxWindows for OS/2: 1. IBM OS/2 Toolkit Version 4.5 or later 2. IBM TCPIP V4.0 or later 3. You will need the IBMLAN Lan Requester service and UPM if you wish to use network based components of the library (generally a standard part of any Warp Connect 3.0 or Warp 4.0 installation. 4. I strongly suggest that you have the latest IBM fixpacks installed for all your components. Go to the \src directory and open the file, makeva.env (there should be a .env for each supported compiler when they are fully supported), for edit. This is where the "make" environment for wxOS2 is set. Locate UMPLIB, NETLIB, and TCPIP environment variables about 20 lines down. Set these to match your system. There are number of possible outputs you can produce. There is a static lib and a dynamically linked lib, and both can be built in debug or release mode. Since wxOS2 is a beta and a rough one at that, I suggest, for now, you stick to the debug builds. The resultant linkable binaries will be output to the \lib directory as will the .dll files. The statically linked lib will be named wx.lib. Each of the third party libs will be there as well, including png.lib, jpeg.lib, tiff.lib, and zlib.lib. For DLL builds the import libs will have the same name, only with a 'd' appended. Thus the import library for the main lib in a dll build is wxd.lib. Object modules will be output into paths dictated by the build mode. For example, for debug static the outputs will be in DebugOS2, for DLLs in DebugOS2DLL. For your first build, you can directly build the library. For subsequent builds you will want to "clean" the output paths. To build the static library go to \src and execute nmake all -f To clean out the outputs execute nmake clean -f To build the wx.dll execut nmake all -f WXMAKINGDLL=1. To clean the outputs execute namek clean -f WXMAKINGDLL=1. For VisualAge 3.0 we use the module definition file method. If, for some reason you encounter linking problems with your dll build you may need to rebuild the module definition file, wx23.def, found in \src\os2. To do this you need to have a static version built. Go to the \lib directoy and execute CPPFILT /B /P wx.lib>temp.def. Copy this file to \src\os2. Delete the temp.def from your \lib directory. I find the following to be the easiest to reconstruct the .def file. Open both the wx23.def and the temp.def file. Copy the header of the wx23.def to the clipboard and paste it into the top of the temp.def file. If you have a valid SQL database client with its SDK on your system you can skip the next step. wxWindows included some ODBC and SQL modules. They expect the standard sql.h and such to available. If you do not have a database client with its SDK (such as DB/2) then for the .dll build you need to delete the exports for the following three modules from your temp.def file, db.cpp, dbgrid.cpp and dbtable.cpp. save you changes to temp.def. Delete wx23.def and rename your temp.def to wx23.def and you are ready to go. I hope to clean up the .dll builds at some point before the the library is a full fledged production caliber product. Fortunately EMX and Watcom can use the import and export pragmas successfully negating the need for manual .def files. VA 3.0, unfortunately in C++ does not properly export the mangled names so we are stuck with the CPPFILT .def file method of .dll builds for now. When building an application that uses the wx.dll you need to build it using the WXUSINGDLL=1 macro. For example to build the minimal sample you would go to \samples\minimal and execute nmake all -f WXUSINGDLL=1. I strongly suggest when developing apps using wxWindows for OS/2 under old VisualAge 3.0, that you use the dynamically linked library. The library is very large and even the most trivial statically linked .exe can be very large and take a long time to link. The release builds are much smaller, however. Fortunately, EMX seems to build much smaller static executables.