Filling In the Spectrum Reading Form

1. Introduction

Words and phrases in capital letters are defined in the help which can be obtained by selecting "Words" from the help menu of the main window menubar.

The Read dialogue appears when the "Read" item is selected from the commands menu on the main window menubar or if "read" is typed in the text area to the right of "Type a command here ->".

The purpose of this dialogue is to read a SPECTRUM ( a set of x and y values ) from a file. The basic principle of this ( and all other dialogues ) is that you provide values for all the required items and then use a button to carry out the operation.

2. Items in the Read Dialogue

The read dialogue consists of a set of items for which you must provide values and a row of buttons which allow you to perform operations.

The items in the dialogue for which you must provide values are ( from top to bottom ):

The purposes of items d), e) and f) vary according to the setting of item c) ( i.e. the type of file specified ).

For file types SRS and XYZ


For file type MCA:

d) and e) are not used.

f) specifies which spectrum to read if the file contains more than one.

For file type EXB:

d) and e) are as for SRS and XYZ

f) is not used

For file type OTOKO:

d) and e) are not used

f) specifies the starting point for reading each spectrum

For file types PDS DIF PLT and HKL:

d) e) and f) are not used.

For all file types:

3. How to Specify Values for Each Type of Item

4. What Each Item Requires from You

For SRS and XYZ data:

Note that the current version of Motplot discards most of the information in an SRS header file. This may not be the case in a future release.

d) and e) require the numbers of the columns in the file from which to read x and y values of the spectrum.

f) Motplot assumes that a line in a file ends with a carriage return. If each data point in the file actually consists of more than one line of data then this text area should be set to the relevant value. For example, these two data points taken from an SRS data file:

17002.40 959. 286450. 337. 33059. 1.

403. 447. 461. 485.

485. 535. 509. 484.

436. 497. 431. 473.

530. 0. 0. 0.

2039. 2443. 2498. 2411.

2474. 2481. 2402. 2794.

2709. 2938. 2614. 2593.

2663. 73411. 59259. 53091.

17006.70 959. 286789. 338. 32601. 1.

389. 428. 461. 404.

502. 573. 401. 465.

396. 486. 450. 501.

493. 0. 0. 0.

1986. 2469. 2433. 2371.

2516. 2469. 2441. 2717.

2642. 3024. 2529. 2490.

2514. 73657. 59013. 53447.

Each point consists of 46 values spread over 5 lines and the relevant value for this text area is 5. When the file type is set to SRS Motplot will try to set this value for you. It bases its guess on the format of the data so the value is not foolproof.

You can also set this number if you want to ignore lines in a file.

For MCA data:

f) The only information you must supply is which spectrum to read. Motplot automatically detects whether there is more than one spectrum in the file. It can also tell the difference between files which use 'END OF MEMORY' to separate spectra and those which use 'SPECTRUM END'. In addition it can usually determine those files which have a channel number in the first column and ignore it.

For EXB data:

This is data produced by EXBACK. This data can also be read by the XYZ option because its header information is currently discarded.

d) and e) require the numbers of the columns in the file from which to read x and y values of the spectrum.

For OTOKO data:

f) The Otoko reading functions read ALL of the spectra which are in the given file set. You can ignore one or more points at the beginning of each spectrum by setting the value of text area f).

For all data types:

g) this text area specifies a name for the spectrum. The spectrum will appear in the spectrum list as:

n :: name

if the name field is empty the program will create a name for the spectrum based on the column numbers and filename

5. What the Buttons Do

Operate the buttons by clicking the left mouse button while the pointer is over the raised area containing the button name. The buttons have the following actions: