Plot Construction Dialog


This dialog is used to construct a plot which shows a spectrum or several spectra. It can also set the limits of the axes and select the axes type (linear or logarithmic).


The dialog consists of four TEXT AREAS for spectrum number and x axis and y axis limits. Two RADIO BOXES select linear or logarithmic scales for the axes. There are three buttons at the bottom of the dialog: Plot, Cancel and Help.


To choose a spectrum for plotting:

type a spectrum number ( or several spectrum numbers ) into the first text area


select a spectrum or spectra from the 'List of Spectra' by clicking on them with the left mouse button etc.

To set the axis limits:

enter the lower and upper limits in the relevant TEXT AREA.

To set the axis types:

operate the button representing your chosen type in one of the axis type radio boxes

To plot a graph:

operate the Plot button


press RETURN when one of the text areas or radio boxes has the keyboard focus


double click on a spectrum in the 'List of Spectra'

Note the last action produces a plot with default axis labels and types and not ( as would be more consistent ) the current settings on the Plot Construction Dialog. This is likely to be corrected before the next release.