File Selection Window


The File Selection Window appears when the Select button on the spectrum reading window is operated. It is used to browse through directories in order to select a file for reading from. It is a slightly repackaged form of the standard Motif FileSelection Widget.


The window contains ( in top to bottom, left to right order ):


  To carry out a directory search:

      operate the Filter button ( it is called filter because it 
      filters the filenames in the directory ).


      press RETURN while the Filter button is the default button 
      ( this will happen when the current directory or directories
      list items have the keyboard focus ).


      double click the left mouse button on a directory in the 
      directories list.

   To change the directory to be searched:

      edit the 'Current search directory and file search pattern' 


      click the left mouse button on a directory in the directories

   To change the filename search pattern:

      edit the 'Current search directory and file search pattern' 

   To select a file for reading:

      click the left mouse button on a filename in the files list


      edit the 'Currently Selected File is:' area

      In both cases the filename and directory areas of the Spectrum
      Reading Window will both be updated.

    To read a file:

      operate the Read button


      press RETURN when the Read button is the default button ( this
      will happen when either the files list or the selected file
      item has the keyboard focus )


      double click on an item in the files list

      In each case the file read is the one currently selected. The
      other information for the read ( file type, column numbers and
      so on ) is taken from the current values of the Spectrum Reading