Calculator Operations Window


This window allows the X and Y values of a spectrum to be transformed by simple calculator operations.


The window consists of three TEXT AREAS and three BUTTONS. The text areas specify the spectrum to be operated on, the x transformation and the y transformation. The Operate button carries out the operation. Cancel removes the window and Help displays this help.


Specify the spectrum number ( or numbers ) in the first text area, OperateDialog.helpeither by typing them in or by selecting them from the list of spectra. Transformations aOperateDialog.helpre specified in a fairly simplistic way by using symbols: Parantheses may be used to bracket expressions. In addition these functions are available: and these constant values: The symbols 'X' and 'Y' are used to specify the current x and y value.


  1. X values to become: x * 2.0
    Y values to become: y + sin(x)

  2. X values to become: ( 3.0 * PI ) / ( OperateDialog.helpln(x) )
    Y values to become: sin(y) + x


The mechanism used by the calculator operations can be extremely slow. Do not use it for operations which are available on other menus. If you want to process large spectra it is probably worth writing your own programs and using the 'UserDefined' operations window. See the help on that window for more information.